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AM Console - Licence registry - licence "per core" - the number of licenses is not checked against the number of allocated cores but against the number of allocated items

Článek se týká verzí produktů

ALVAO Asset Management 10.4 a vyšší


The bug only affects "per core" licenses. It is possible to allocate more cores to a license than the number of cores in the license. The per-license count is compared to the number of entries, not the total number of cores allocated.


The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.


Opraveno ve verzi 11.0.1201 - 11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)

Náhradní řešení

For "per core" licenses, manually check that the total number of licenses allocated does not exceed the number listed on the license.

Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování


Číslo problému



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