AM Console - Child objects / Found objects / List of objects - moving computers with computer sets ends with error "Violation of primary key constraint PK__ftComma..."
Článek se týká verzí produktů
ALVAO Asset Management 10.4 a vyšší
Error appears in these windows /tabs:
- Child objects tab
- Found objects window
- List of objects window
If you select some computers and also their computer sets, then use command Move, then use Move computers including Computer sets option, an error will occur: COM Error: Violation of primary key constraint 'PK__ftCommaL__xxxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.@ret'. The duplicate key values is (yyy).
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Opraveno ve verzi 11.1.1096 - 11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
Náhradní řešení
If you want to move computers with computer sets, select only computers or only computer sets, not both.
Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování
Číslo problému
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