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ALVAO - Unsuccessful request reopening by e-mail from the requester - Notification goes multiple times

Článek se týká verzí produktů

ALVAO Service Desk 10.0 a vyšší


The requester tries to reopen the request but the deadline has expired already. The requester is notified about that situation every time he tries to reopen it. So when he/she has an auto reply turned on, an infinite loop will occur.


The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.


Opraveno ve verzi 11.0.2458 - 11.0/SP1 FIX8 (release 2023-01-05)

Náhradní řešení

Send auto reply only once on every individual adress.

Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování

  1. Service has zero hours for reopenning requests and no following request is created after resolving.
  2. Ticket is cretaed.
  3. Requester turns auto reply for every incomming e-mail.
  4. Request is resolved.
  5. Notifications and auto replies go in an infinite loop.


Číslo problému



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