AM WS - IIS app pool worker uses 100% CPU and RAM usage is increasing
Článek se týká verzí produktů
ALVAO Asset Management 10.0 a vyšší
- IIS server with AM WS installed uses 100% CPU core
- RAM consumption is constantly increasing
- Windows TMP folder is full of temp files with name "tempXXXX.tmp"
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Opraveno ve verzi 11.1.2039 - 11.1/SP1 (release 2023-09-14)
Náhradní řešení
- clean Windows TEMP folder and delete all "tempXXXX.tmp" files
- run the following script on the database:
declare @ids varchar(max)
select @ids=stuff((
select distinct
','+cast(d.intDetectId as varchar)
from tblDetect d
left join tblDetectOpts do on do.lintDetectId=d.intDetectId
where do.lintDetectMethodId is null
for xml path('')),1,1,'')
exec spRemoveDetects @ids
- restart application pool hosting AM WS on IIS server
Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování
Číslo problému
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