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AM Console - Unspecified error - Stream object cannot be read because it is empty, or the current position is at the end of the stream...

Článek se týká verzí produktů

ALVAO Asset Management 10.0 a vyšší


Error occurs everytime, when user:
- search objects
- enters tab Child objects, Software or Detection
- enters Objects lists
- enters Overview of Licenses and Installations


The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.


Opraveno ve verzi 11.2.1134 - 11.2 (release 2024-04-11)

Náhradní řešení

Delete the right for no object and all object kinds on every user and group. It has no effect anyway.

Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování

Objects rights are enabled, the user is not an AM Administrator.
Right for no object and all object kinds is assigned to the user or a group in which the user is a member.


Číslo problému



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