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Software products library: library upgrade shows an error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#tmpP - The duplicate key value is (69034)"

Článek se týká verzí produktů

ALVAO Asset Management 10.0 a vyšší


Alvao Service or Asset Management Console shows an error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#tmpP - The duplicate key value is (69034)" during the library update.
The problem is in the library structure, not in the Asset Management Product.


The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.


Opraveno ve verzi 11.2.1486 - 11.2/FIX3 (release 2024-07-04)

Náhradní řešení

Wait few days, until the new software product library will be released.

Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování


Číslo problému



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