Tickets - Ticket: Approval status (mostly ad-hoc mode) - Settings on this status has been changed - Ticket can't change status nor can be resolved
Článek se týká verzí produktů
ALVAO Service Desk 10.4 a vyšší
One or more tickets can't change their status nor can be resolved nor can be changed service with different process.
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Oprava naplánována do verze 25.1/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
Náhradní řešení
Revert status settings to approval enabled and transit to all states.
Or use custom application from file attachments.
In this application: change ids in Settings script and write ids (or just one id) of tickets that you need to resolve.
On these tickets, new custom command apprears: Ticket close - force.
This command will try the following: cancel ongoing approval or all approval steps, resolve or close the ticket.
In the case this application is not working, you can modify the code to see more error information.
Kroky pro reprodukci tohoto chování
On these tickets, there is most likely ongoing approval.
You can check if approval is still ongoing on the ticket itself via SSMS (tHdTicket.ApprovalId).
Type of this approval is ad-hoc -> type of approval where you can add more approvers until status of that ticket has been changed (in status settings: enabled approval and choice transit to all states).
If this status settings was changed to different type of approval, these tickets are now blocked and nothing can be done from WebApp user interface.
The second possibility for this bug is if this specific status was REMOVED.
Číslo problému
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