Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 11.1Extension modulesALVAO Electronic Handover FormsDeployment Skip Navigation Links.


Technical requirements

  • ALVAO Asset Management

Changing the text on the My documents page

Using the My Documents command from the user menu, each user can view a list of their forwarding logs. Above the list is the instructional text, which you can optionally change with the following SQL script. UPDATE tProperty SET sPropertyValue='text of procedure link' WHERE sProperty='AM.MyDocumentsWorkflowText';
UPDATE tLocalization SET NeedsUpdate=1 WHERE sTable='tProperty' AND iRecordId=(SELECT id FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty='AM.MyDocumentsWorkflowText');
Format the text using common html tags and possibly translate it into multiple languages.

Multilingual environment

Electronic Handover Forms supports multi-language environment. You can translate the following items into multiple languages:
  • Messages
    • Subject
    • Message text
  • Workflow on the My documents page


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