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Configuration Manager settings

Hardware inventory

Some properties of some classes may affect the pairing of an imported SCCM scan and an existing computer in AM (depending on the settings in Alvao Administration - Asset Management - Settings - Computer Identification). It is important to at least keep track of these properties in SCCM as well (in the table these classes are marked with an asterisk). However, for completeness of information about the computers in AM, it is recommended to keep track of all the necessary classes and properties, which are listed below.

Set classes and their properties:

  1. In SCCM, go to Administration - Client Settings.
  2. Select the profile you are using and select Properties from the local menu.
  3. Select the Hardware Inventory tab and click Set Classes....
  4. Select at least the following classes and their properties:
    Class Name (WMI class name)
    List of properties, ...
    1394 Controller (Win32_1394Controller)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    *BaseBoard (Win32_BaseBoard)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer, Product, Version, SerialNumber
    BitLocker (Win32_EncryptableVolume)
    DeviceID, Drive Letter, Protection Status
    Bus (Win32_Bus)
    Caption, Description, Name, DeviceID
    CDROM Drive (Win32_CDROMDrive)
    Caption, Description, Name, Drive, Manufacturer
    *Computer System (Win32_ComputerSystem)
    Name, Manufacturer, Domain, Caption, Model, Description, SystemType, WakeUpType, UserName, DomainRole, TotalPhysicalMemory
    *Disk Drives (Win32_DiskDrive)
    Caption, Size, InterfaceType, MediaType, Description, Manufacturer, DeviceID, Index
    *Disk Partitions (Win32_DiskPartition)
    Caption, Size, Description, DiskIndex
    Floppy Controller (Win32_FloppyController)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    IDE Controller (Win32_IDEController)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    Installed Applications - (Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms)
    Product ID, Display Name, Install Date, Publisher, Version
    *Installed Software - Asset Intelligence (SMS_InstalledSoftware)
    PackageCode, ProductName, InstallDate, InstalledLocation, InstallSource, Language, ProductID, ProductVersion, Publisher, UninstallString, VersionMajor, VersionMinor
    Keyboard (Win32_Keyboard)
    Caption, PNPDeviceID, Description, Name
    Logged On User (Win32_LoggedOnUser)
    Antecedent, Depoendent
    *Logical Disk (Win32_LogicalDisk)
    Caption, FileSystem, VolumeSerialNumber, Size, FreeSpace, Compressed, Description, DriveType
    Logon Session (Win32_LogonSession)
    Caption, Description, Name, LogonId, LogonType, StartTime
    Modem (Win32_POTSModem)
    Caption, PNPDeviceID, Description, Name, DeviceType, AttachedTo
    *Network Adapter (Win32_NetworkAdapter)
    Caption, Name, MACAddress, AdapterType, DeviceID, Description, Manufacturer
    *Network Adapter Configuration (Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration)
    Caption, Description, IPAddress, IPSubnet, IPEnabled, DNSServerSearchOrder, DHCPEnabled, Index, ServiceName
    *Operating System (Win32_OperatingSystem)
    Caption, Description, CSDVersion, Version, Organization, RegisteredUser, InstallDate, Manufacturer, SystemDirectory, SerialNumber, OSLanguage
    Parallel Port (Win32_ParallelPort)
    Caption, Description, Name
    *PC BIOS (Win32_BIOS)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Version, SerialNumber
    PCMCIA Controller (Win32_PCMCIAController)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    *Physical Media (Win32_PhysicalMedia)
    Caption, Name, Description, SerialNumber, Tag
    *Physical Memory (Win32_PhysicalMemory)
    Caption, Description, Name, Version, Manufacturer, Capacity, DeviceLocator, SerialNumber, DataWidth, Speed, FormFactor, MemoryType, TypeDetail
    *Physical Memory Array (Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray)
    Caption, Description, Name, MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices
    *PNP Device Driver (Win32_PnpEntity)
    Caption, Description, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID, Service
    Pointing Device (Win32_PointingDevice)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    Printer Device (Win32_Printer)
    Caption, Description, Name, PortName, PNPDeviceID
    *Processor (SMS_Processor)
    Caption, Description, Name, MaxClockSpeed, ProcessorId, Version, SocketDesignation, Manufacturer, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfCores
    SCSI Controller (Win32_SCSIController)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    Serial Ports (Win32_SerialPort)
    Caption, Description, Name
    *Sound Devices (Win32_SoundDevice)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer
    System Enclosure (Win32_SystemEnclosure)
    Caption, ChassisTypes, Description, Name
    Uninterruptible Power Supply (Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply)
    Caption, Description, Name, UPSPort
    USB Controller (Win32_USBController)
    Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID
    *Video Controller (Win32_VideoController)
    Caption, AdapterRAM, VideoModeDescription, CurrentRefreshRate, MaxRefreshRate, Monochrome, Description, PNPDeviceID
    Volume (Win32_Volume)
    DeviceID, Capacity, Caption, Compressed, Description, DriveLetter, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, Name, SerialNumber
    *WmiMonitorId (WmiMonitorId)
    Active, UserFriendlyNameLength, UserFriendlyName, ManufacturerName, InstanceName, SerialNumberID
    Note: The class is located in the namespace "root\wmi"
    *WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams (WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams)
    Active, InstanceName, MaxHorizontalImageSize, MaxVerticalImageSize
    Note: The class is located in the namespace "root\wmi"

If one of the listed classes does not appear in the list, you probably do not have it added in the Default Client Settings profile. To add a new class to the list, use the following procedure:

  1. In Client Settings, select the Default Client Settings profile and again go to Properties - Hardware Inventory - Set Classes....
  2. Select Add... followed by Connect...
  3. Enter the computer name and WMI namespace where you want to search for the classes.
    All of the above classes can be found in the namespace "root\cimv2" unless otherwise noted for the class.
  4. Turn on the Recursive option and select Connect.
  5. After a moment, a list of classes found in the namespace will be displayed, where you can search for the desired class, turn it on, and select OK.
  6. Now you can edit the profile you are using and turn on the added class and its properties.

Software inventory

To keep track of software on SCCM computers, you need to set up exe file tracking on users' disks.

Make this setting in:

  1. In SCCM, go to Administration - Client Settings.
  2. Select the settings in use and select Properties from the local menu.
  3. Select the Software Inventory tab and click Set Types.
  4. If you don't already have *.exe in the list, add it. Select the location to be searched, and whether to search subfolders as well. Optionally, you can set to monitor compressed files, and files in the Windows folder.


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