SLA (Service Level Agreement) defines the quality under which a service is rendered, especially by using the two parameters:
- Time until first response
- Time to resolve a request
You can manage SLAs under ALVAO WebApp – Management – Service Desk – SLA. Then assign the defined SLA to service requesters under ALVAO WebApp – Management – Service Desk – Services – Edit – SLA.
SLAs also include the following functionalities:
- Alert by e-mail for request not being solved, approaching deadline or inactivity of solvers or request requesters.
- Suspension of SLAS at waiting for requester.
If you change the SLA parameters, the change is immediately reflected in all existing requests with that SLA, including closed requests. If you want to apply the change only to newly created requests, first create a new SLA under the new conditions, assign it to the requesters in selected services, and remove the old SLA from requesters. It is advisable to add the validity date to the removed SLAs, e.g. "Z2 – medium (valid until 14.4.2019)".
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