Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 10.0ALVAO MonitoringSystem Implementation in an OrganizationInstallationInstalling Monitoring Server and WebService on Different Servers Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.

Installing Monitoring Server and WebService on Different Servers

Under typical conditions, both the Server and WebService must be running on a single machine. If you want to run these two applications on different machines, you need to set up the path to a folder that is shared by them. This folder is used as a temporary repository for Agent data (see Architecture). By default, this folder is located in %ProgramData%\ALC\ALVAO Monitoring Server\AgentData\Downloaded.

Server Settings

  1. Go to the Server installation folder (by default %Program Files%\ALVAO\Monitoring Server) and open the MonitoringServer.exe.config file in a text editor.
  2. Find the string DataFolderPath and enter the path to the Agent data folder between the <value> and </value> tags.
  3. Save the file and restart the ALVAO Monitoring Server 2.

The user account under which the server is running must have writing permissions to this and the parent folder. If there is an error while processing the file, the Server will save the file to the Failed folder located on the same level as the Agent data folder. The Server will create the Failed folder if necessary.

For example, if the Agent data folder is located in D:\ALVAO Monitoring\Downloaded, the failed files will be saved to the folder D:\ALVAO Monitoring\Failed.

WebService Settings

  1. Open the IIS Administrator and select the MonitoringWebService application.
  2. In Settings, click on the Application Settings icon and in the DataFolderPath replace the current value with the folder path where you want the Monitoring Agent data to be saved.

The folder for Agent data must be created before running WebService for the first time. Also, the user account running WebService mus have writing permissions to this folder.


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