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Converting Custom Forms from ALVAO 8.2 and Older

When upgrading from ALVAO 8.2 or older versions, it is necessary to edit the existing custom new request forms. Follow these steps to edit the .cshtml files of the forms:

  1. At the beginning of the file, set the Layout variable to Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_NewTicketCustomFormLayout.cshtml";
  2. Delete the row "@Html.DisplayFor(m => m["HdSection1"], "Section")" if used on the page.
  3. Delete the row "@Html.Partial("_NewsAndKnowledgeBaseFAQ", Model.FAQModelWrapper, new ViewDataDictionary(){})" if used on the page.
  4. Move the page title to the end of the file and envelope it with the section CustomHeading. Example:
    @section CustomHeading { <h1>Form title</h1> }
  5. Change the class of the external div element from "col-md-8 col-sm-8 no-col-padding" to "col-md-12 no-col-padding form-col".
  6. Change the row "@section scripts" to "@section customScripts" if used on the page.


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