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Request items

Every request has defined items which can be filled in for it. These items are displayed on the General tab in the request detail and also as columns in the requests table.
Items can be edited when editing the request. Request can e edited both in Alvao WebApp and in SD Console using the Edit command; in the console also by double-clicking on request in the table.
What items can be filled in for the request is defined on the service process. What items are required and what are optional is also defined here.
What items are visible for requester and which are displayed for filling in when creating the request via the Service Catalog in WebApp is specified in the service settings.

Request items are already predefined in the system. You can also create Custom items in the ALVAO Admin.
Custom items are edited in the same manner as request system items, they are displayed as columns in the request table and you can set whether they will be visible to requester.

All the system items are displayed on the General tab when creating or editing request in the SD Console. Custom items are displayed on the Other tab by default, but on the service process you can set (individual items) to be displayed also on the General tab.

Basic Request Items

All the request items, or columns representing those items respectively, can be found here.

Item Description Optional for requester
Name Request name. Yes
Status Current request status, e.g. "closed", "postponed", etc. Yes
Related organizations Item represents organization of the customer whom the request is directly related to (for example, in the business cases where the requester is not the customer person). Further description below. Selectable
Impact Impact of (not) resolving the request. Priority is filled in based on impact. Selectable
Urgency Urgency of resolving the request. Priority is filled in based on urgency. Selectable
Priority Request priority for Technical Support Department internal information. Edited automatically based on entered Impact and Urgency, can be reseted manually. Selectable
Device ALVAO Asset device that the request relates to. This item is only active, if the Service Desk is integrated with ALVAO Asset. Selectable
Device number This value can be provided by the requester in the WebApp. Selectable
Category Request category for statistical evaluation purposes. You can use Admin to define a code list of categories which will be used for all Service Desk services. Selectable
Area Another item for statistical evaluation purposes. Unlike the Category, each service has its own code list of areas. This code list has a tree (hierarchic) structure. Selectable
Group You can use this item to group requests by assigning one and the same group to multiple requests. You can then sort the Request List by the Group column to display all requests in the same group next to each other. No
Requester The person who has logged the request. This item can not be changed during edits on the General tab; it has individual Requester tab where you can change also other information about the request requester loaded from information in the ALVAO Admin. Yes
Notes Technical Support Department internal notes. No
Solve order Order which the request will be solved in. Order of request solving is defined separately for every solver. No
Internal target Name, date, and time of the next internal target within request solution. Internal target is counted into Next action of the request. No

Related Organizations

This field is always available in the request tables in Service Desk Console. You can edit this field only in the case it is a part of a service process, which applies to other optional items too.

Displayed Organization

Part of Service Process Registered Requester Organization
Yes Not taken into account The set organization is displayed
No No The requester's organization is displayed that was specified during the request creation process.
No Yes Requester's organization is displayed.
Requests from shared accounts and guest accounts are handled as requests from non-registered users.


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