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Edit Mode

The page displays current news in a table which uses the following default views:

  • All – filters are off, entries are sorted in descending order based on the "Created on" column.
  • Active – filtering the "Active" window is set to "Yes", entries are sorted in ascending order based on the "Display order" column and in descending order based on the "Date" column.
  • Archive – filtering the "Active" window is set to "No", entries are sorted in descending order based on the "Display order" column.

You can create current news in edit mode. The existing news can be sent by e-mail, edited, or displayed for reading in a new browser tab where it is also possible to hide the news. The Send, Edit and Hide commands can only be used by users who have the solver, operator or manager role in at least one of the services the news are assigned to.

Clicking the Hide option will set the date for "Hide after" to the current date and time.


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