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Property definition – General
- Icon – click on the button to select an icon for the property being edited.
- Name – enter a property name (e.g. Size, Capacity, First Name, Last Name, etc.)
- Order – enter the order, in which the edited property should be displayed, eventually. You can order the properties list alternatively by those values – order columns in the Order.
- Data type – select the property type to be Text, Number, or Date. The property values are automatically converted to the new type if the type is changed ex post. In case of changing from Text to Date or Number you should check whether the values are converted correctly, see Changing the Text Type Property to Another Type.
- Inherit property – enable if the property should be inherited, i.e. if some object has this property, all its child objects will also have this property.
- Unique – enable if the values of this property should be unique.
Note: All the properties which should be unique are checked using the Check for duplicities. You can, for example, distinguish various objects or devices by the values of those properties. Typical example of the unique property is the Inventory number. Check for duplicities is performed only in the active registry, e.g. outside of the Recycle bin, Disposed assets, Object templates, Object samples, and Property categories.
- Global across all objects – enable if the property and its values should be taken as global across all kinds of objects.
Typical example is the Inventory number which is unique across all objects.
Note: This option influences:
- Evaluation of the check for duplicities – if you don't enable it, two objects of different kind can have the same value for this property.
- Content of the code list for property values generated automatically – if you disable the option, the code list in the Property window will only contain values entered for objects of the same kind. For example, in the Name property different values will be offered for printers and different values for monitors.
- Delete value when copying object – enable if you want to always enter a new value for the property (and do not want it to be filled in automatically when you copy an object). The example is the serial number.
Note: The option is enabled automatically if the Unique option is enabled.
- Use list of a different property – enable if you want users to be able to select values for this property from a list of values defined here. You can select the values of another property or you can define the values by yourself.
From the menu select the property, which you want to use the value list from. By default the value this property is used in this item. This means that the custom value list for this property (defined below) will be used. If you select a different property, the edited property will share the value list with the property selected from the menu. Using a list is suitable e.g. for the User property. The list then contains the names of individual users.
- Add – add a new value into the list. The location you are writing the value into is underlined in the list.
- Edit – edit the selected property value.
- Delete – delete the selected property value.
- Selection only – enable if you want to disallow the user to enter a custom value not listed in the automatically generated list of values (he/she has to select from the list). For example, if you want to select only users existing in the database as the property value.
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