Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 8.2ALVAO Asset ManagementSystem Implementation in an OrganizationCustom Edits and ExtensionsALVAO database Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.

ALVAO database

This section describes the ALVAO database structure.

It is intended for the develepers, who develop their own extensions for the ALVAO system.

This database is used together by all ALVAO products.

List of tables

Table Schema Description
ActOperation dbo Kind of process in the request log
AppCategory dbo Application category list. The list is predefined. Custom items cannot be added.
ArticleHdSection dbo
AssetDetectionUpload dbo Information on files received from autonomous Agents.
DetRegUninstall dbo Detected registry entries. The table contains records which may differ in various computers.
EmailSignatureHdSection dbo Assigning signatures to services.
HdSectionMessageTag dbo Unique service prefix and suffix pair.
IdSeqTypee dbo Numeric sequence Types.
KindDataType dbo Property data types in AM.
LicDowngrade dbo License - downgrade.
LicHistCust dbo
LicHistItemAssign dbo Assigning/removing/moving license to/from/between computers.
LicHistLog dbo Change record for a license or a license item.
LicHistLogKind dbo Kind of change of a license or a license item.
LicHistRelation dbo A table containing links between licenses in AM Console
LicHistRelationType dbo Types of links between licenses in the AM
LicHistRelationTypeBehavior dbo Types of links between objects in the AM from the viewpoint of system/custom links.
LicKind dbo "CAL/Licensing" list, i.e. per device, per user, etc.
LicProductCoverage dbo Which of all products have license coverage.
LicType dbo License types.
MailMessage dbo Outgoing email queue.
News dbo Current messages.
NewsHdSection dbo Services for which the individual current messages are intended.
NodeRelation dbo Table with links between objects in AM Console
NodeRelationType dbo Types of links between objects in AM
NodeRelationTypeBehavior dbo Types of links between objects in AM from the viewpoint of system/custom links
NodeRightLog dbo Logging of changes in permissions of users in Asset Management.
PersonBehavior dbo People types. Normal users =1, system users >1.
PersonEventDisplay dbo
PersonManager dbo Pre-counted structure of managers and employees.
PersonTicketDisplay dbo A record from the history of the last viewed requests of the requester.
Printer dbo Printers
PrintJob dbo Printing tasks
PrivateModeInsertReq dbo Request to insert private mode.
ProductState dbo Product status
ProductUsage dbo Table containing utilization of individual products on the computers over past 12 months.
ProfileValue dbo View settings table
ReanalyzeRecordsRequest dbo Request to recalculate statistics.
ReceivedMessageRule dbo Rules for incoming messages for MailboxReader
RoleBehavior dbo Types of system rolls, e.g. all users, administrators, ...
RoleMembershipLog dbo Logging of changes in membership in groups.
RoleMembershipLogMemberType dbo Kind of membership in the group.
RoleMembershipLogOperation dbo Executed operation which is logged.
SamAlert dbo SAM notifications sent.
SamAlertConfig dbo SAM configuration of notifications.
SamAlertRule dbo SAM notification rules.
SamType dbo SAM notification type - Audit: yes, no, via e-mail.
Server dbo Setting the ALVAO servers (AM Collector).
SlaAlertRuleReceiver dbo Notice for unresolved requests - other recipients.
Subscriber dbo A table containing information on the customer and on the request on which information is taken.
tAccount dbo Organization (in accordance with CRM, i.e. the company).
tAccountCust dbo Organization custom items values.
tAct dbo Request log record or message in "Current messages" block.
tActHd dbo Expanding tAct information for the request log.
tActKind dbo Record type tAct, e.g. "e-mail“, "phone“, "note“, "process“, …
tAddress dbo Address
tAdviceRule dbo Notification sending rule.
tAdviceRuleEventKind dbo Notification sending event.
tAdviceRuleRecipientKind dbo Kinds of the notification recipients.
tApprovalSchema dbo Approval schemes.
tApprovalSchemaItem dbo Approval scheme step.
tArticle dbo Article in Knowledge Base.
tBankHoliday dbo National holidays.
tBankHolidayLoaded dbo National holiday blocks included in the database. A block is a list of holidays belonging to one region and year.
tBankHolidayRegion dbo Local national holiday regions.
tblADMap dbo Mapping attributes from AD to AM properties. This configuration is used by ImportAD.
tblAsset dbo Identification numbers of documents and media.
tblAtom dbo Kind of record - document / medium.
tblAtomLend dbo Information on items lent and returned in the media library.
tblClass dbo ID of the objects types. Texts in tblDict.
tblCommandDef dbo Definitions of commands for the "Administrator's Tools" function.
tblCompany dbo Code list of organizations (software products library).
tblComputerIdClass dbo ID of the objects types based on which the computer is identified during the detection of HW and SW.
tblComputerLog dbo
tblDetect dbo Information on HW and SW detections in the computers.
tblDetectAction dbo Scheduled evaluation of HW and SW by detection.
tblDetectKind dbo ID of the types of detection (HW, SW). Texts in tblDict.
tblDetectMethod dbo ID of the methods of detection (without Agent, Agent via TCP/IP, ...). Texts in tblDict.
tblDetectOpts dbo Detections setting.
tblDetectStatus dbo ID of the detections statuses. Texts in tblDict.
tblDetFile dbo Detected files on the computers (SW detection).
tblDict dbo Common table for the text code lists of the system tables values.
tblDocument dbo Documents.
tblDocumentKind dbo Kinds of documents. Texts in tblDict
tblEvent dbo Reminders.
tblFile dbo Detected files on the computer (SW detection).
tblFileImage dbo Recognition rules for files (software products library).
tblFileStringInfo dbo Information on detected files - texts.
tblFileVerInfo dbo Information on detected files - versions.
tblHistory dbo Log - history of objects in the tree - move, deletion, insertion, etc.
tblIcon dbo Icons.
tblIdSeq dbo Numerical series - definitions.
tblInstHist dbo Records on installation and uninstallation of products on the computers (manual as well as detected)
tblInstTrial dbo Special installation.
tblInventory dbo Stocktaking - list of stocktakings.
tblInventoryAsset dbo Stocktaking - assets in a specific stocktaking.
tblInventoryAssetPack dbo Stocktaking - list of reader's files.
tblInventoryAssetPackRel dbo Stocktaking - assignment of assets to readers.
tblInventoryAtom dbo Stocktaking - documents.
tblKind dbo Definitions of the objects properties.
tblKindValue dbo Value lists for the properties of objects.
tblLang dbo ID of languages. Text in tblDict
tblLicHist dbo License - list of purchased software licenses.
tblLicHistAtom dbo License - links to documents and media.
tblLicHistItem dbo License - license items.
tblLicTrans dbo License - shared licenses.
tblLog dbo Log - changes in the properties values and information on the detection results.
tblMedia dbo Media.
tblMediaType dbo ID of the media types. Texts in tblDict.
tblNetScanRange dbo Network search setting.
tblNode dbo Objects in the tree.
tblNodeAtom dbo Objects in the tree - links to documents.
tblNodeParent dbo Objects in the tree - tree.
tblNotice dbo Notes.
tblOsVersionInfo dbo Detection of SW - information on the operating system.
tblProduct dbo Products / software (software products library).
tblProductCategory dbo ID of the products categories (OS). Text in tblDict.
tblProductPack dbo Definition of software products packages (software products library).
tblProductType dbo ID of the products types (commercial, freeware, ...) (software products library).
tblProperty dbo Objects in the tree - properties.
tblPropertyMap dbo Mapping properties to system functions.
tblRegImage dbo Software products library - recognition rules for records from the register.
tblRegUninstall dbo Detected registry entries. The table contains records which may repeat in various computers.
tblRegValue dbo Detection - values of detected records from the register.
tblSetting dbo Mapping properties to system functions.
tblSwLibUpdate dbo Information on which computer is executing the software products library update.
tblSystemSetting dbo System settings.
tblUserNodeRight dbo Rights in the object tree to groups / users.
tblVersion dbo Software products library version.
tblWbemClassDesc dbo Code list of values for the detected HW properties.
tblWbemObject dbo HW detected in the computers.
tblWbemObjectProcess dbo Hardware "Blacklist".
tblWbemObjectRel dbo Links between the detected components of the computers.
tBuilding dbo Buildings, see item Request.Building.
tColumn dbo List of custom items and certain system items.
tColumnValue dbo Value lists for custom items.
tComputer dbo Computers for ALVAO Monitoring.
tDay dbo Calendar of days
tDb dbo Database version, database language ID, activation keys for the entire ALVAO.
tDetectedClassKind dbo Detected properties of the computer components.
tDocument dbo Attachments (to documents, notes, events, e-mails, ...) concerning the entire ALVAO system.
tEmailSignature dbo Signatures for e-mail messages.
tEmailTemplate dbo Templates of custom notifications and alerts sent by the ALVAO SAM Assistant module.
tHdBranch dbo Request.Field item values.
tHdSection dbo ALVAO Service Desk product services.
tHdSectionCust dbo Services custom items values.
tHdSectionPerson dbo Setting of notifications from the services to individual persons.
tHdSectionRights dbo Authorization individuals and groups have in services (Operator, Solver, ...).
tHdTicket dbo Requests.
tHdTicketAltMessageTag dbo Alternative request tags. Upon merging requests, the final request uses tags from original requests as alternative tags.
tHdTicketApproval dbo Request approval process instance - main record.
tHdTicketApprovalItem dbo Request approval step.
tHdTicketApprovalItemResult dbo List of approval step statuses.
tHdTicketCategory dbo Request.Category item values.
tHdTicketCust dbo Request custom items values.
tHdTicketPriority dbo List of values for item Request.Priority.
TicketChange dbo Request log record for changes to the request item value.
TicketRelation dbo Links Between Requests.
TicketRelationType dbo Types of links between requests.
TicketRelationTypeBehavior dbo System types of links between requests.
TicketSequence dbo A table containing the next request number.
TicketState dbo Workflow statuses defined within Processes. Status names correspond with request states.
TicketStateBehavior dbo Workflow system statuses defined within Processes.
TicketStateRelation dbo Permitted transitions between Workflow statuses.
TicketStateRequiredColumn dbo Mandatory items for individual Workflow statuses.
TicketTemplate dbo List of request templates
TicketTemplateColumnValue dbo column values on request template.
TicketType dbo Processes. The processes define the workflow for resolving requests.
TicketTypeBehavior dbo System processes.
TicketTypeColumn dbo Request items used by the process.
tIdSeqClass dbo Numerical series - definitions for types of objects.
TimeZone dbo Time zone list.
TimeZoneBias dbo Time zone shifts compared to UTC for each year
tLocale dbo Language environments.
tLocalization dbo Language localization for selected database values. The following items are supported: tHdSection.sHdSectionShort, tHdSection.mHdSectionDesc.
tNodeProduct dbo Software profiles - exceptions for the computer.
tOpeningHours dbo Service working hours.
tOpeningHoursCache dbo Auxiliary records for optimizing time calculations according to service working hours.
tOpeningHoursException dbo Exceptions in service working hours.
tPerson dbo Persons in the ALVAO system.
tPersonCust dbo Persons in the ALVAO system - own items.
tPersonRights dbo Authorization individuals and groups have for records on the activities of other individuals and groups within the ALVAO Monitoring product.
tPreComputedDay dbo Daily user activity record summary.
tProperty dbo ALVAO system settings.
TransferConfirmAlert dbo Sent alerts to sign the handover protocols.
TransferConfirmAlertConfig dbo Setting time of sending an alert and the period of the last alert repetition.
TransferConfirmAlertRule dbo Settings of rules for sending alerts of not yet signed handover protocols.
TransferConfirmType dbo Method of the assets takeover signing.
tRole dbo Groups of persons for the entire ALVAO.
tRolePerson dbo Persons' membership in groups.
tRoleRole dbo Groups' membership in groups.
tRoom dbo Rooms, see item Request.Room.
tSla dbo SLA.
tSlaAlert dbo Request log records for notification sent for an unresolved issue or upcoming deadline.
tSlaAlertRule dbo Rule for sending notifications for unresolved issues or an upcoming deadline.
tSlaCust dbo SLA custom items values.
tSlaRights dbo Assigning SLA to individuals and groups.
tSmtp dbo Configuration of the SMTP server for ALVAO.
tString dbo System code list for texts.
tSwLibAddUnknown dbo Sending unrecognized records, request for adding product to the standard software products library.
tSwPresence dbo Software profiles - product statuses.
tSwProfile dbo Software profiles - list.
tSwProfileProduct dbo Software profiles - membership of products in profiles.
tSwProfileSwProfile dbo Software profiles - sub-profiles.
tTimeOff dbo Employee absence records.
tTimeOffKind dbo Types of employee absence records.
tUnassignedProcess dbo Processes, which ALVAO Monitoring was not able to assign to applications according to the Software Products Library
tUserLogin dbo User sign in or out to/from the computer.
tWeekOpeningHours dbo Item in the definition of service working hours.
tWMIDefaultSetting dbo Default settings for using WMI technologies with ALVAO Monitoring.
tWorkLoad dbo Employee labor contracts.
tWorkTime dbo Employee attendance record created in the ALVAO Attendance module.
tWorkTimeSnapshot dbo Employee attendance records used by ALVAO Monitoring to hide records for extracurricular activities.
UploadFileInfo dbo Information about the file uploaded via ServiceDesk WebService.
UserLogonLog dbo Logging of the users logon/logout to/from Admin and Asset Management Console.
UserLogonLogAction dbo Executed action which is logged.
UserLogonLogApplication dbo Application name.
WorkOvertimeDisposal dbo Table with list of paid overtime hours

List of views

View Schema Description
Computer Query View with objects of the computer in Asset type which are not hidden or in Discarded assets. In addition to described columns, the table contains the value of 100 most widely used properties. The column name and the property name are always identical.
Log dbo "Log" in AM.
Node dbo "Objects" in AM.
Node Query View with all objects in Asset which are not hidden or in Discarded assets. In addition to described columns, the table contains the value of 100 most widely used properties. The column name and the property name are always identical.
NodeDiary Query View with the log for objects.
NodeParent Query View with all objects in Asset and their child objects (including indirect links - deep immersion).
NodeRightLog Query View of the list of changes in permissions in the objects tree.
Požadavky dbo Requests. The view is designated for creating analyses and reports.
Průtok požadavků - historie dbo Materials for analyzing the number of open requests over time.
Průtok požadavků za 1 měsíc dbo Materials for analyzing the number of open requests over time limited to the last month.
Průtok požadavků za 2 měsíce dbo Materials for analyzing the number of open requests over time limited to the last 2 months.
Request dbo Requests. The view is designated for creating analyses and reports.
Request Week Statistics dbo Materials for the weekly request statistics report.
RoleMembershipLog Query View of the list of changes in permissions in the objects tree.
Software Query View with installed products (software) on not yet deleted computers.
User Query View with all objects of the User in Asset type which are not hidden or in Discarded assets. In addition to described columns, the table contains the value of 100 most widely used properties. The column name and the property name are always identical.
UserLogonLog Query View of the list of changes in permissions in the objects tree.
vAct dbo Request log. The view collects data from various tables.
vApprovalAuthority dbo Current approvers of requests that are currently in the process of being approved.
vApprovalAuthority_Custom dbo Current request approvers according to custom approval processes. The customer can define custom contents for this view.
vAssetPersonSystemRole dbo
vAssetUser dbo Users in the object tree.
vAssetUserPerson dbo The user's link in the object tree to the user in the Admin service (tPerson.
Link based on priority:
2. Personal number
3. Login name
4. E-mail
vClass dbo Types of objects.
vComputer dbo Computers.
vComputerDetectLast dbo Last detection of the computers.
vComputerSwManager dbo People and their superiors responsible for software installed on the computer
vComputerUsage dbo Displays the utilization of the computers (in hours) over the past month and year.
vDefaultSla dbo Default SLA for individuals and services.
vDetectKind dbo Types of detections (HW, SW).
vDetFiles dbo Detected files.
vDocument dbo Documents.
vDocumentKind dbo Kinds of documents.
vEvent dbo Reminders.
vHdSectionEffectiveShowInServiceCatalog dbo View for effective viewing of the "View in the Service Catalogue" option. Takes into account settings in parent services.
vHdSectionExceptionalSolver dbo
vHdSectionLoc dbo Auxiliary view for the language localization of service names and descriptions.
vHdSectionManager dbo Effective service managers.
vHdSectionOperator dbo Effective service operators.
vHdSectionOperator_Direct dbo Effective service operators without absentee stand-ins.
vHdSectionPerson dbo Effective settings of notifications sent from the services to individual persons.
vHdSectionReader dbo
vHdSectionSolver dbo Effective service solvers.
vHdSectionSolverTake1 dbo Effective service solvers authorized to "retrieve another request - main".
vHdSectionSolverTake2 dbo Effective service solvers authorized to "retrieve another request - secondary".
vHdTicket dbo Values for dynamically calculated request items.
vHdTicketCalc dbo Information whether the request can indeed be reopened.
vHdTicketPersonRead dbo Effective authorization to display requests.
vIdSeqProperty dbo Definitions of automatic codes lists for the generation of the properties values.
vInstDetect dbo Installed software, detected version and activation code.
vInstTrial dbo Installations covered by "special installation", including the coverage for package components.
vLang dbo Languages.
vLastEvaluatedSwDetect dbo Last evaluated SW detection on the computer.
vLicHist_InvoiceAtomLast dbo Invoice attached to the license.
vLicHistItem dbo License items.
vLicHistLog dbo Log of changes in registered licenses.
vLicProductCoveredOnComputer dbo Which products on the computer have license coverage (per device or per user).
vLicTrans dbo Shared licenses.
vLog_DetectLast dbo Last record in the detection log.
vMediaList dbo List of media.
vMediaType dbo Types of media.
vNodeClass dbo Objects in the object tree. Classification into system objects and discarded assets.
vNodeCostCentre dbo Cost center of the objects in the tree.
vNodeDisposed dbo Discarded assets.
vNodeParentJoin dbo
vNodePropertyMix dbo Objects and properties - Public + Asset + Computer1.
vNodePropertyMix_Asset dbo Objects and properties - Assets Number, Purchase Date, Warranty expiration, Manufacturer, Packing Slip Number.
vNodePropertyMix_Computer1 dbo Objects and properties - Computer - Motherboard (type), BIOS Serial Number.
vNodePropertyMix_Computer2 dbo Objects and properties - Computer - MAC address.
vNodePropertyMix_Public dbo Objects and properties - Type Designation, Serial Number, Manufacturer, Registration Number, Name.
vOnlyReader dbo
vPersonNodeRight dbo Rights in the object tree - main view.
vPersonNodeRight_Create dbo
vPersonNodeRight_Delete dbo Rights in the object tree - the right to "Remove".
vPersonNodeRight_Move dbo Rights in the object tree - the right to "Move".
vPersonNodeRight_Read dbo Rights in the object tree - the right to "Read".
vPersonNodeRight_Write dbo Rights in the object tree - the right to "Change".
vPersonRightRead dbo Effective authorization individuals and groups have for records on the activities of other individuals and groups within the ALVAO Monitoring product.
vProduct dbo Products (software).
vProductCategory dbo Products categories (OS).
vProductType dbo Products types.
vProductUsage dbo Displays the utilization of the products on the computers (in hours) over the past month and year.
vPropertyFromAD dbo Properties of objects which are downloaded from AD.
vPropertyKind dbo Properties of objects.
vPropertyKind_AssetCategory dbo Properties of objects - Asset category.
vPropertyKind_BIOSSerialNumber dbo Properties of objects - BIOS serial number.
vPropertyKind_ChassisType dbo Properties of objects - Type of rack.
vPropertyKind_ComputerKind dbo Properties of objects - Type of computer.
vPropertyKind_ComputerName dbo Properties of objects - Name in the network.
vPropertyKind_Department dbo Properties of objects - Cost center.
vPropertyKind_Domain dbo Properties of objects - DNS domain.
vPropertyKind_EvidentiaryNumber dbo Properties of objects - registration number.
vPropertyKind_Frequency dbo Properties of objects - Frequency.
vPropertyKind_Interface dbo Properties of objects - Interface.
vPropertyKind_InventoryDate dbo Properties of objects - Stocktaking date.
vPropertyKind_InventoryNumber dbo Properties of objects - Asset number.
vPropertyKind_InvoiceNumber dbo Properties of objects - Packing slip number.
vPropertyKind_IPAddress dbo Properties of objects - IP address.
vPropertyKind_MACAddress dbo Properties of objects - MAC address.
vPropertyKind_Manufacturer dbo Properties of objects - Manufacturer.
vPropertyKind_MaxSize dbo Properties of objects - Maximum size.
vPropertyKind_MemoryDevices dbo Properties of objects - Sockets.
vPropertyKind_MemoryDevicesUsed dbo Properties of objects - Occupied sockets.
vPropertyKind_Model dbo Properties of objects - Model.
vPropertyKind_Name dbo Properties of objects - Name.
vPropertyKind_Office dbo Properties of objects - Office.
vPropertyKind_PartOfDomain dbo Properties of objects -Domain components.
vPropertyKind_PersonalId dbo Properties of objects - Personal number.
vPropertyKind_Place dbo Properties of objects - Location.
vPropertyKind_Port dbo Properties of objects - Port.
vPropertyKind_ProcessorId dbo Properties of objects - Processor ID.
vPropertyKind_Purchased dbo Properties of objects - Purchase date.
vPropertyKind_RefreshMax dbo Properties of objects - Maximum refresh.
vPropertyKind_SerialNumber dbo Properties of objects - Serial number.
vPropertyKind_Size dbo Properties of objects - Size.
vPropertyKind_Type dbo Properties of objects - Type.
vPropertyKind_TypeMark dbo Properties of objects - Type designation.
vPropertyKind_Vendor dbo Properties of objects - Vendor.
vPropertyKind_Version dbo Properties of objects - Version.
vPropertyKind_VideoRAM dbo Properties of objects - RAM size.
vPropertyKind_WakeUpType dbo Properties of objects - Wake-up method.
vPropertyKind_Warranty dbo Properties of objects - Warranty.
vPropertyKindInherited dbo Properties of objects - including inherited properties.
vSamAlertLast dbo SAM notification - last unresolved notifications sent
vSectionWithTreeOrder dbo For each service, it returns a string which guarantees queueing being the same as that in the tree.
vSlaAccess dbo Effective authorization requesters have for SLA and services.
vSlaAlertDeadline dbo Individual SLA notifications for the expiration of the request deadline.
vSlaAlertDeadlineSummary dbo Summary SLA notifications for the expiration of the request deadline.
vSlaAlertInactiveApplicants dbo Individual SLA notifications for requester inactivity.
vSlaAlertInactiveApprobators dbo Individual SLA notifications for approver inactivity.
vSlaAlertInactiveOperators dbo Individual SLA notifications for operator inactivity.
vSlaAlertInactiveSolvers dbo Individual SLA notifications for solver inactivity.
vSlaAlertInactiveSummary dbo Summary SLA notification for inactivity (requesters, approvers, operators and solvers).
vSlaAlertInternalTarget dbo Individual SLA alerts for the expiration of requests internal target date.
vSlaAlertInternalTargetSummary dbo Summary SLA alerts for the expiration of requests internal target date.
vSwInst dbo Installed software - valid products and outside system objects.
vSwInst_ProductComputer dbo Software installed on the computers.
vSwInst_ProductComputerDetect dbo SW detected in the computers.
vSwInst_TreeCnt dbo
vSwInstLicProfile_ProductComputer dbo Installed software vs licenses and software profiles.
vSwLic_ProductComputer dbo Products covered by licenses on the computers.
vSwLic_UserComputer dbo Users' computers.
vSwProfileProduct_Node dbo Statuses of the software profile on the products installed on the computers.
vTicketRelation dbo
vTimeZone dbo Overview of time zones and shifts compared to UTC.
vTransferConfirmAlertLast dbo
vUserNodeRight dbo Rights in the object tree - users (including the rights allowed / prohibited by membership in roles).
vWbemObject dbo Detail of the HW detection - all.
vWbemObject_BIOS dbo Detail of the HW detection - BIOS.
vWbemObject_SystemEnclosure dbo Detail of the HW detection - Computer rack.
vWbemObjectPhysicalMedia dbo Detail of the HW detection - Hard disks.
wDocument dbo Documents.
wIdSeq dbo Numeric sequence.

List of procedures

Procedure Schema Description
spAssetTreeNodeChilds dbo Returns the object off-springs in the tree.
spAssetTreeNodeChilds_Rights dbo Returns the object off-springs in the tree, adheres to the permission in the object tree.
spAssignLicenceItemToChildren dbo Assigns the license item to historical upgrades as well.
spCalcNodeName dbo Converts the tree object name according to the properties forming the object name.
spCalcNodeNameAll dbo Converts the names of all tree objects, the names of which are formed from properties.
spCalcNodeNameClass dbo Converts the names of all tree objects, the names of which are formed from properties, according to the group ID.
spCalcNodeNameSubtree dbo Converts the names of sub-tree objects, the names of which are formed from properties.
spCalcUnreadTicket dbo
spCloseHdTicket dbo Required values will be stored in tHdTicket after closing the request.
spConvertPropertiesToDate dbo
spCreateNodeFromTemplate dbo Creates an object based of the object template definition.
spCustomColumn_Add dbo Add new custom item.
spCustomColumn_Drop dbo Removing custom items.
spEvalFileRule dbo Evaluation of one rule for files recognition.
spEvalRegRule dbo Evaluation of the one rule for the recognition of registries.
spEvalSwDetection dbo Evaluates SW detection based on patters from the software products library.
spGeneratePropValuesFromSequence dbo
spGetNextNumFromIdSeq dbo Increments numerical row definition and returns current definition. If uniqueness is breached, it automatically searches the next free number based on the row definition.
spHdSection_UpdateName dbo Full service name update (@iHdSectionId) including path in service tree.
spHdSectionUpdateAllQueues dbo Updates the "Date according to queue" item for all requests within all services.
spHdSectionUpdateQueue dbo Updates the "Date according to queue" item for all requests within the  @HdSectionId service.
spHdTicketChangeHdSection dbo Moves the @iHdTicketId request to the @iHdSectionId service.
spHdTicketPassToSolver_SolverList dbo Returns a list of solvers, used to assign requests listed in table #temp1. The procedure can be overloaded by custom procedure spHdTicketPassToSolver_SolverList_Custom. The @iUserPersonId parameter, representing the signed in user, is not used in the standard procedure.
spHdTicketPassToSolverInHdSection_SolverList dbo Returns a list of solvers, used to assign the request when transitioning to the @iHdSectionId service.
spHdTicketResolve dbo Switches the request to Resolved.
spHdTicketSolverAppointment dbo Returns the name and text of an event, which can be inserted into the solver's calendar via Assign to Solver.
spHdTicketSolverOpen dbo Reopens the request by the solver.
spMoveNode dbo Moves the object in the object tree.
spNotifyMacros dbo Auxiliary procedure which inserts the values of the macros used for configuring notifications into the #T table.
spOpeningHoursCache_Update dbo Updates the tOpeningHoursCache table.
spPersonByPhoneNumber dbo Finds the user based on telephone number.
spPersonSearch dbo
spReadAllComunication dbo
spReadAllDiary dbo
spRecomputeStats dbo Recalculates the statistics for all products in Monitoring. This function must be called by the Mon Server only.
spRecomputeStatsForProduct dbo Recalculates the statistics for specific products in Monitoring. This function must be called by the Mon Server only.
spRefreshLicProductCoverage dbo Updates the ProductCoverage table (the whole one or only a specific license)
spRefreshNodePath dbo Updates the cache of the path in the tree (tblNode.txtPath).
spRefreshRolePersonMembership dbo Updates the cache of the persons' membership in groups.
spRefreshSwProfileProductMembership dbo Updates the cache of the software sub-profiles membership in profiles.
spRemoveApp dbo Deletes own application from Monitoring.
spRemoveDetectResults dbo Removes the results of specific detections (ID,ID,...).
spRemoveDetects dbo Removes the specific detection (ID,ID,...).
spRemoveNodes dbo Permanently removes specific objects from tree (ID,ID,...).
spRemoveObjects dbo Permanently deletes specific objects from the tree, including child objects (ID, ID ...).
spSavePersonTicketDisplay dbo Inserts a record in the history of the last viewed requests of the requester.
spSetDetailedRecordsAzureProperties dbo Sets the properties for saving detailed data from Monitoring to Azure.
spSetDetailedRecordsFolderProperties dbo Sets the properties for saving detailed data from Monitoring to a local folder.
spStateReqCol dbo Returns a table with required items for transitioning the request @TicketId to @NewStateId.
spTakeLicence dbo Withdraws license for the computer software.
spTicketSearch dbo
spTransferLicence dbo Transfers the license on a different computer / to a different cost center.
spUpdateColumnValuePath dbo Updates values in hierarchic list of values (tColumnValue) for the @ColumnId custom item.
spUpdateInsertProperty dbo Updates the value of the object properties in the tree. If the property does not exist, it is created.
spUpdatePersonManager dbo The procedure for the update of the pre-counted structure of managers and employees.
spUpdatePropCache_All dbo Updates property inheritance for the whole database.
spUpdatePropCache_ObjMoved dbo Updates property inheritance after the object move in the tree.
spUpdatePropCache_ObjNew dbo Updates property inheritance after a new object was created.
spUpdatePropCache_PropDel dbo Updates property inheritance after the object properties were deleted.
spUpdatePropCache_PropNew dbo Updates property inheritance after a new object property was added.
spUpdatePropCache_PropValChanged dbo Updates property inheritance after a change in the property value.
spUpdatePropertyValue dbo Changes the value of the object property in AM. If history is permitted for the object, the change will be recorded in the log. If the property is the name of the object, it will be converted according to the new value.
spUpdateTicketDeadline dbo Updates the Request.Date item for changes made to the requested SLA.
spUpdateTicketLastAction dbo Coverts the date of the last action related to the entered request number.
spUpdateTicketShiftedDeadlines dbo
spUpdateUnassignedProcess dbo Updates the list of unrecognized applications in Monitoring.

List of table-valued functions

Table-valued function Schema Description
ftAttendanceMonthReport dbo Function that creates the table for the employee's monthly report
ftCanManageKnowledge dbo
ftCanReadKnowledge dbo
ftCommaListToTableIds dbo Conversion of value list string (ID,ID,...) to value table.
ftCompanySearch dbo Search of organizations across all system items.
ftComputerSwManager dbo People responsible for software installed on the computer
ftDeviceSearch dbo
ftLicHistBase dbo
ftLicHistRelations dbo The function to generate the list of links for the selected license.
ftLicHistSearch dbo The function to search for the license.
ftNodeRelations dbo Function that generates a list of links for the selected object with disabled tree rights.
ftPersonFromLogin dbo Search person according to login name
ftPersonSearch dbo Searches for persons based on the text for search. Searches in the fields: Name and Surname, Department, Office, Personal Number, Organization, Office Telephone, Mobile.
ftPersonSearchExtended dbo Extended search of persons across all system items.
ftRelation dbo Linked request. The function is used to populate the fields in the dialog for updating selected links (@trId) on the Request links tab @ticketId.
ftRelations dbo Linked requests to a specific request (@ticketId), which a specific user has the rights to view (@userId): The function is used to display linked requests on the Links tab.
ftRelationsAll dbo
ftRelationsTypes dbo Types of links between requests. The function is used to populate the link menu.
ftTicketsStateIntersectList dbo The intersection of statuses for @TicketIds requests, which you can transition to from request statuses, with the exception to Resolved.
ftTicketStateList dbo The list of statuses for the @TicketIds request, which you can transition to from the current status, with the exception to Resolved.
ftTicketStateListIncResolved dbo The list of statuses for the @TicketIds request, which you can transition to from the current status.
ftTicketStateMultiList dbo Function for the return of the intersection of possible states (including Solved/Closed) for multiple requests.
tfDay dbo Calendar of days starting with @Begin to @End (excluding).
tfHdTicketFulltextSearch dbo Requests found by full text search of sample @sample.
tfPersonManager dbo Direct managers.
tfSplitString dbo The function divides the value based on a preset separator.

List of scalar-valued functions

Scalar-valued function Schema Description
DefaultSlaId dbo Returns the default SLA for on-duty requesters.
fAddressString dbo Formats the address properties from tAddress to one string.
fDate dbo Returns date without time only.
fDateHoursMinutes dbo Cutting off seconds from the item type date and time.
fDeadline dbo Calculates deadline in the service working hours.
fGetServerFromURL dbo Extracts only the server address from URL. Used in Monitoring.
fHtmlString dbo Encodes a string as valid HTML, including ends of lines.
fLastLevelDomain dbo Returns the last level of the domain.
fnCheckRelCycles dbo Checks the circular task link between requests.
fnCheckRelCyclesLicHist dbo Function for reviewing a circular task.
fnCheckRelCyclesNode dbo Function for reviewing a circular task.
fnCheckRelDuplicity dbo Checks the link between requests for duplicity.
fnCheckRelOneToMany dbo Checks whether the request has maximum one link of the 1:N type.
fnFileStringInfoCsvSignature dbo
fnFloatHourToTimeString dbo Converts the value of hours from a floating point number into a text string in the h:mm format.
fnFloatToCharExactLength dbo The function returns a number (float) as a string with the set minimum length of the integer part and the maximum length of the fractional part, which is guaranteed by completing with zeroes, or rounding where applicable. The maximum length is 50, which is an appropriately selected constant.
fnGetBackupKindName dbo
fnGetNextTicketId dbo Function returns id of newly created request.
fnGetUnreadCount dbo
fnHdSectionWithoutLast dbo The function returns the full service name (path) excluding the name of the service
fnLastLocalMidnightUtc dbo The calculation of the last local midnight according to UTC time and the time zone.
fnLocalTime dbo Converts UTC data to the specific time zone.
fnNextLocalMidnightUtc dbo The calculation of the following local midnight according to UTC time and the time zone.
fnPersonLoginWithoutDomain dbo Username of a person without a domain.
fnReportedTime dbo The calculation of time reported on the selected day and for the selected employee.
fnStartWorkTime dbo The calculation of the time at which the selected employee began working on the selected day.
fnTodayHour dbo Converts a floating point number into the item type date and time where date is today's date and time is transferred from the parameter.
fnUtcTime dbo UTC time calculated from the local time and time zones.
fnWorkTimeAtDay dbo The calculation of the worked on the selected day for the selected employee.
fnWorkTimeToday dbo The calculation of the time at which the selected employee began working on the selected day. The calculation does not consider the end of the day, only up to "now"
fRelatedCompany dbo Request - "Related Organizations" item
fStripDomain dbo Username of a user without a domain.
fSuggestResolutionDate dbo
GetProperty dbo Returns 1 value from the tProperty table based on the set code.


Kind of process in the request log

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
Name nvarchar(255), not null Process kind name


Detected registry entries. The table contains records which may differ in various computers.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
DetectId int, not null ID detection.
RegUninstallId int, not null ID of the unique registry key.
EstimatedSize int, null
UninstallString nvarchar(255), null
ProductID nvarchar(255), null
InstallDate nvarchar(255), null
InstallLocation nvarchar(255), null
InstallSource nvarchar(255), null
LogFile nvarchar(255), null
ModifyPath nvarchar(255), null
Readme nvarchar(255), null
NoModify int, null
NoRemove int, null
NoRepair int, null
ALC_ProductPath nvarchar(255), null
PIDKey nvarchar(255), null
CD_KEY nvarchar(255), null Detected activation key.
DigitalProductId nvarchar(255), null Detected product key.


Unique service prefix and suffix pair.

Column Typ Description
id int, not null Record ID
Prefix nvarchar(255), null Prefix
Suffix nvarchar(255), null Suffix


Numeric sequence types.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
IdSeqType nvarchar(32), not null Numeric sequence type.


Property data types in AM.

Column Type Description
KindDataTypeId int, not null Property data type ID.
DataTypeName nvarchar(20), null Property data type name.


License - downgrade.

Column Type Description
LicHistId int, not null License ID - tblListHist
ProductId int, not null Product ID - tblProduct
Desc nvarchar(255), null Note


Assigning/removing/moving license to/from/between computers.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
LicHistId int, not null License
LicHistItemId int, null License item
AssignedDate datetime, not null Date assigned/removed
AssignedPersonId int, not null Assigning/Removing author
SrcNodeId int, null Source object
DestNodeId int, null Target object
LicInfo nvarchar(1000), null Information on the assigned/removed license.
ItemInfo nvarchar(1000), null Information on the assigned/removed license item.


Change record for a license or a license item.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
LogDate datetime, not null Date and time of the event.
LicHistId int, null The license ID to which the change relates. A foreign key in the LicHist table.
LicHistLogKindId int, not null Change kind ID. The kinds of changes are specified in the LicHistLogKind table.
PersonId int, not null Change author ID. A foreign key in the tPerson table.
PropName nvarchar(100), null Name of the changed license property or license item property.
OldVal nvarchar(255), null The original property value.
NewVal nvarchar(255), null New property value.
Message nvarchar(max), null A message displayed in the license log.


Kind of change of a license or a license item.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
LogKind nvarchar(100), not null Kind of change.
MsgTemplate nvarchar(255), not null Template of the message for displaying the change in the license log.


A table containing links between licenses in AM Console

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
BeginLicHistId int, not null Initial license link ID. A foreign key on the tblLicHist table.
EndLicHistId int, not null End license link ID. A foreign key on the tblLicHist table.
LicHistRelationTypeId int, not null Link type. A foreign key on the LicHistRelationType table.
ModifiedDate datetime, not null Date of last link edit.
ModifiedByPersonId int, not null Person who performed the last link edit.


Types of links between licenses in the AM

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
BeginName nvarchar(32), not null Start of link (name).
EndName nvarchar(32), not null End of link (name).
Directional bit, not null If the link is directional or non-directional. 1 = directional, 0 = non-directional.
Cyclic bit, not null if creating circular tasks is permitted. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
OneToMany bit, not null If the link type is OneToMany. 1 = OneToMany, 0 = ManyToMany.
LicHistRelationTypeBehaviorId int, not null Link behavior. If system or custom one. A foreign key on LicHistRelationTypeBehavior.


Types of links between objects in the AM from the viewpoint of system/custom links.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
Name nvarchar(70), null Name


Which of all products have license coverage.

Column Type Description
LicHistId int, not null License ID - tblListHist
ProductId int, not null Product ID - tblProduct
ProductPackId int, null


License types.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Item ID.
LicType nvarchar(32), not null Type name.


Current messages.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Primary table key.
CreatedDate datetime, not null Creation date of current message
Subject nvarchar(max), not null Name of current message.
Text nvarchar(max), null Text of current message.
Order int, not null Current message display order.
ShowBeginDate datetime, null Date from which the current message shall be displayed.
ShowEndDate datetime, null Date until which the current message shall be displayed.
CreatedByPersonId int, not null User who created the current message.


Services for which the individual current messages are intended.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Primary table key.
NewsId int, not null id of the current message.
HdSectionId int, null id of the service for which the current message (NewsId) is intended. NULL of the current message is intended for all services.


Table with links between objects in AM Console

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
BeginNodeId int, not null ID of start link object. Foreign key on tblNode table.
EndNodeId int, not null ID of end link object. Foreign key on tblNode table.
NodeRelationTypeId int, not null Link Type. Foreign key on NodeRelationType table.
ModifiedDate datetime, not null Date of last link edit.
ModifiedByPersonId int, not null Person who performed the last link edit.


Types of links between objects in AM

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
BeginName nvarchar(32), not null Start of link (name).
EndName nvarchar(32), not null End of link (name).
Directional bit, not null If the link is directional or non-directional. 1 = directional, 0 = non-directional.
Cyclic bit, not null if creating circular tasks is permitted. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
OneToMany bit, not null If the link type is OneToMany. 1 = OneToMany, 0 = ManyToMany.
NodeRelationTypeBehaviorId int, not null Link behavior. System or custom. Foreign key to NodeRelationTypeBehavior.


Types of links between objects in AM from the viewpoint of system/custom links

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
Name nvarchar(70), null Name.


Logging of changes in permissions of users in Asset Management.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Record ID.
TimeStamp datetime, not null Date and time of the change execution.
User nvarchar(255), null User name.
Group nvarchar(255), null Group name.
Object nvarchar(255), null Object name.
ObjectOld nvarchar(255), null Object name - the previous value.
Recursive bit, not null Check box inclusive of child objects.
RecursiveOld bit, null Check box inclusive of child objects - the previous value.
Class nvarchar(255), null Object kind name.
ClassOld nvarchar(255), null Object kind name - the previous value.
Read bit, null Permission to read.
ReadOld bit, null Permission to read - the previous value.
Write bit, null Permission to edit.
WriteOld bit, null Permission to edit - the previous value.
Move bit, null Permission to move.
MoveOld bit, null Permission to move - the previous value.
Create bit, null Permission to create any objects.
CreateOld bit, null Permission to create any objects - the previous value.
Delete bit, null Permission to delete.
DeleteOld bit, null Permission to delete - the previous value.
ModifiedBy nvarchar(255), not null Logged-in user name.


People types. Normal users =1, system users >1.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
Description nvarchar(max), null Description of the system person type.


Pre-counted structure of managers and employees.

Column Type Description
ManagerPersonId int, not null Manager's ID.
EmployeePersonId int, not null Employee's ID.


A record from the history of the last viewed requests of the requester.

Column Type Description
TicketId int, not null Viewed request number.
PersonId int, not null ID of the person who viewed the request.
LastDisplayed datetime, null Date and time of the last view of the request.
EventsNotDisplayed bit, not null


Product status

Column Type Description
id int, not null Product status - numerical (Primary key)
ProductState nvarchar(127), not null Product status - written
txtDesc nvarchar(255), not null txtDesc


Table containing utilization of individual products on the computers over past 12 months.

Column Type Description
ComputerId int, not null Computer ID
ProductId int, not null Product ID
RuntimeHoursMonth0 float, null Run time in month 0 in hours (used as circular buffer, column number with actual month is in tProperty table)
RuntimeHoursMonth1 float, null Run time in month 1
RuntimeHoursMonth2 float, null Run time in month 2
RuntimeHoursMonth3 float, null Run time in month 3
RuntimeHoursMonth4 float, null Run time in month 4
RuntimeHoursMonth5 float, null Run time in month 5
RuntimeHoursMonth6 float, null Run time in month 6
RuntimeHoursMonth7 float, null Run time in month 7
RuntimeHoursMonth8 float, null Run time in month 8
RuntimeHoursMonth9 float, null Run time in month 9
RuntimeHoursMonth10 float, null Run time in month 10
RuntimeHoursMonth11 float, null Run time in month 11
RuntimeHoursMonth12 float, null Run time in month 12


View settings table

Column Type Description
PersonId int, not null Foreign key to table tPerson - iPersonId. Specifies the settings "owner"
ValueName nvarchar(max), not null Name of settings including path used in registries. The path is provided for the purpose of product identification
StringValue nvarchar(max), null String settings value
IntValue int, null Int settings value
Backup bit, not null


Rules for incoming messages for MailboxReader

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
OrderNum int, not null Determines the order in which the rules are detected and applied.
RuleName nvarchar(255), not null Name of rules (must be unique).
SubjectCondition nvarchar(255), null Condition for comparing with the subject of the loaded mail.
BodyCondition nvarchar(255), null Condition for comparing with the body of the loaded mail.
SenderCondition nvarchar(255), null Condition for comparing with the recipient of the loaded mail.
ReceiverCondition nvarchar(255), null Condition for comparing with the sender of the loaded mail.
SendMessage bit, not null Permit "Send message" action (Yes/No).
MailTo nvarchar(255), null Message recipient for "Send message" action.
MailSubject nvarchar(255), null Message subject for "Send message" action.
MailText nvarchar(max), null Message text for "Send message" action.
MoveRequestToService bit, not null Permit "Move to service" action (Yes/No).
MoveToSectionId int, null If "Move to service" is permitted, the service id is displayed, otherwise NULL.
ResolveRequest bit, not null Permit "Close request" option (Yes/no).
DeleteRequest bit, not null Permit "Remove request" option (Yes/no).
ModifiedDate datetime, null Date and time of last rule edit.
ModifiedByPersonId int, null Person who edited the rules.


Logging of changes in membership in groups.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Record ID.
TimeStamp datetime, not null Date and time of the operation execution.
MemberTypeId int, not null Kind of membership in the group.
Member nvarchar(255), not null User or group name.
OperationId int, not null Operation.
Group nvarchar(255), not null Group name.
ModifiedBy nvarchar(255), not null Logged-in user name.


Kind of membership in the group.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Membership kind ID.
Name nvarchar(50), not null Membership kind name.


Executed operation which is logged.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Operation ID.
Name nvarchar(50), not null Operation name.


SAM notifications sent.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
ProductId int, not null Product
ComputerId int, not null Computer
SentDate datetime, not null Date on which the notification was sent
SamAlertRuleId int, not null Notification type
SequenceNum int, not null Sequence number of notification
Recipients nvarchar(max), null Recipients
ResolvedDate datetime, null Date on which the system determined the problem was resolved.


A table containing information on the customer and on the request on which information is taken.

Column Type Description
id int, not null
PersonId int, not null
TicketId int, not null
SinceDate datetime, null
SubscribedByPerson int, null Id of the user who set the subscription.


Organization (in accordance with CRM, i.e. the company).

Column Type Description
iAccountId int, not null
sAccount nvarchar(255), not null
sImportSystem nvarchar(255), null
sImportRecordId nvarchar(255), null
dRemoved datetime, null
liRemovedPersonId int, null
dCreated datetime, not null
liCreatedPersonId int, null
dModified datetime, not null
liModifiedPersonId int, null
Phone nvarchar(30), null Phone
Phone2 nvarchar(30), null Phone 2
Fax nvarchar(30), null Fax
Email nvarchar(50), null Email
Email2 nvarchar(50), null Email 2
AddressId int, null Address 1
Address2Id int, null Address 2
Web nvarchar(50), null Company web
IdentificationNumber nvarchar(20), null Company ID - company identification number
TaxIdentificationNumber nvarchar(20), null VAT ID - value added tax identification number


Request log record or message in "Current messages" block.

Column Type Description
iActId int, not null Record ID
liActKindId int, null Link to record type
dAct datetime, null Time at which the event occurred:
sAct nvarchar(max), null Name of event
mActNotice nvarchar(max), null Note to event
liActFromPersonId int, null Link to sender.
liActToPersonId int, null Link to recipient.
liActHdTicketId int, null Request to which the event belongs
sActFrom nvarchar(1024), null Sender name
sActFromEmail nvarchar(255), null Sender email
sActFromPhone nvarchar(255), null Sender's phone
mActFromContact nvarchar(max), null Sender contact details
sActFromMobile nvarchar(255), null Sender cell phone
sActFromOffice nvarchar(255), null Sender office
sActFromDepartment nvarchar(255), null Sender's department
sActFromWorkPosition nvarchar(255), null Sender's job
sActFromCompany nvarchar(255), null Sender's company
sActTo nvarchar(1024), null Recipient name
sActToEmail nvarchar(255), null Recipient email
nActWorkHours float, null Number of work hours
dActRemoved datetime, null Time at which the event was removed. The event is not removed for NULL
sActCc nvarchar(1024), null Copy
sActAutoSubmitted nvarchar(255), null Atribut AutoSubmitted read from email
sActMessageId nvarchar(255), null Atribut MessageId read from email
sActXSpamLevel nvarchar(255), null Atribut XSpamLever read from email
sActXSpamStatus nvarchar(255), null Atribut XSpamStatus read from email
nActTravelHours float, null Time spent on trip in hours
nActTravelKm float, null Travel distance in km
bNoCharge bit, not null If the value is 1, paid
bWaitingForUser bit, null 1 - Marks the start of waiting for the requisitioner from
0 - Marks the end of waiting for the requisitioner
NULL - does not change the status of waiting for the requisitioner
dRecordCreated datetime, null Time at which the record was created. This attribute is only available from version 2.9, records created with an older version will have a NULL value
sRecordCreatedByMachine nvarchar(255), null Name of computer on which the record was created. This attribute is only filled in by the MailboxReader. This attribute is only available from version 2.9, records created with an older version will have a NULL value
iRecordCreatedByProcessPid int, null Process ID which created the record. This attribute is only available from version 2.9, records created with an older version will have a NULL value
CreatedByPersonId int, null User ID of the event creator
ActHtml nvarchar(max), null
ActOperationId int, null Process kind ID
EffectiveDate datetime, null


Expanding tAct information for the request log.

Column Type Description
liActHdActId int, not null Link to event.
bActHdUserRead bit, not null If the value is 1, the requester can see this event on the portal


Record type tAct, e.g. "e-mail“, "phone“, "note“, "process“, …

Column Type Description
iActKindId int, not null Record ID
sActKind nvarchar(255), null Naming the type of event
iActKindOrder int, null Order in which records are displayed.
Removable bit, not null



Column Type Description
id int, not null
Street nvarchar(max), not null Street
ZIP nvarchar(20), null ZIP code
City nvarchar(100), not null City
Country nvarchar(100), null Country


Identification numbers of documents and media.

Column Type Description
lintAtomId int, not null AtomId - tblAtom
txtId nvarchar(255), null ID number 1


Kind of record - document / medium.

Column Type Description
intAtomId int, not null Record ID
lintAtomKindId int, not null Kind


Information on items lent and returned in the media library.

Column Type Description
lintAtomId int, not null Atom ID - tblAtom
lintPersonNodeId int, null Lended to person in tree - tblNode
txtPerson nvarchar(255), null Lended to
dteLended datetime, null Date lended
dteReturned datetime, null Date returned
txtNote nvarchar(max), null Note
liLendingPersonId int, not null Lended by - tPerson
liAcceptingPersonId int, null Taken over by - tPerson


ID of the objects types. Texts in tblDict.

Column Type Description
intClassId int, not null Class Id
bComputer bit, not null


Information on HW and SW detections in the computers.

Column Type Description
intDetectId int, not null Record ID
lintComputerNodeId int, not null Computer designated for detection (tblNode).
dteCreated datetime, null Time at which the detection is performed.
dteImported datetime, null Time at which the detection is loaded to the database
txtDescription nvarchar(255), null Note
lintDetectKindId int, not null 1=hw, 2=sw (see tblDetectKind, tblDict)
dteRqCreated datetime, null Time at which the request (manual or automatic) was created The request will be created once the detection is loaded from the file to the AM Console. The time of the detection is written to dteRqCreated. The "Detect Again" command writes the current time.
txtCollector nvarchar(255), null Name of server on which the AM Collector that reserved the request resolution is running.
txtShareRq nvarchar(255), null Name of request sub-folder for detection via shared folder.
lintDetectStatusId int, not null 1 = "no response so far"
2 = "ok" - carried out without warnings and errors.
3 = "warning" - Warnings were encountered during the detection process, but no errors.
4 = "error" - At least one error was encountered during the detection.
liRqCreatedPersonId int, not null The user that created this request, see tPerson.
dUpdated datetime, null
DetectSourceMethod int, null
ManualRq bit, not null If the value is 1, the request was created manually with the activated Detect and evaluate immediately option.


Scheduled evaluation of HW and SW by detection.

Column Type Description
intDetectActionId int, not null
lintDetectId int, not null
lintDetectActionKindId int, not null
txtCollector nvarchar(255), null
ManualRq bit, not null If the value is 1, the request was created manually by the Evaluate immediately command.


Common table for the text code lists of the system tables values.

Column Type Description
lintLangId int, not null language in which the value for the txtText attribute is defined, see tblLang
lintClassId int, null object class - tblClass
lintNameLangId int, null language name - tblLang
lintDetectKindId int, null
lintDetectStatusId int, null
lintDetectMethodId int, null
lintIdSeqId int, null
lintProductTypeId int, null
lintProductCategoryId int, null
lintMediaTypeId int, null
lintDocumentKindId int, null
lintHistoryFlags int, null
lintDiaryKindId int, null
txtText nvarchar(255), null Only one attribute (lintClassId, lintNameLangId, ..., lintDiaryKindId) must have a value other than null. The txtText attribute contains the name of the respective item in lintLangId language.
lintInstallMsgId int, null installation/uninstallation reports
lintPropEditMsgId int, null Log - edit
lintLicTypeId int, null License kind
lintLicModeId int, null License mode
lintLicHistCALId int, null Cal license
lintPropertyMapAssignId int, null
lintAssetStateId int, null Property status
lintInventoryStatusId int, null Stocktaking status
lintAllClassObjId int, null Text for "all objects" - combo box
lintLendSubjId int, null Log - rental
lintLendMsgId int, null Log - rental
liSwPresenceId int, null SW profiles - profile name
iLicenseStatusId int, null SW - license status - text
iLicErrMsgId int, null SW - error message for license on SW tab
iSwProfErrMsgId int, null SW - error message for profile on SW tab



Column Type Description
lintAtomId int, not null Atom ID - tblAtom
lintDocumentKindId int, not null Type - tblDict
txtMemo nvarchar(max), null Note
dteCreated datetime, null Created
lintResellerCompanyId int, null Vendor - tblCompany
lintSrcNodeId int, null Handover protocol - source object in tree - tblNode
lintDestNodeId int, null Handover protocol - target object in tree - tblNode
txtIdNumber2 nvarchar(255), null ID number 2
dteRemoved datetime, null Voided
liCreatedPersonId int, null Author - tPerson
liRemovedPersonId int, null Voided by - tPerson
TransferConfirmTypeId int, not null Sign method.
SignDate datetime, null Date of signing.
SignPersonId int, null ID of the person who signed the document.
SignComputer nvarchar(255), null Name of the computer from which the document was signed.


Detected files on the computer (SW detection).

Column Type Description
intFileId int, not null
txtName nvarchar(255), null
txtExt nvarchar(255), null
intSize int, null
iInsertSourceRecordAuxId int, null
ProductId int, null Recognized product.
Monitoring bit, not null The file is linked to monitoring data.
FileImageId int, null Recognized based on the rule.
OriginalProductId int, null Original recognized product
Hash varbinary, not null File signature.
EvalSwLibDate datetime, null The date of the library according to which the file has been recognized.


Log - history of objects in the tree - move, deletion, insertion, etc.

Column Type Description
intHistoryId int, not null Record ID
lintNodeId int, not null object - tblNode; always different from null
lintDetectId int, null detection - tblDetect; Null is possible, provided the operation was executed manually without a link to the detection
dteDateTime datetime, null date and time
intFlags int, null bit field:
1 = move "X" here
2 = move "X" from here
3 = move to "X"
4 = new "X" inserted here
5 = created in "X"
6 = "X" moved here
7 = "X" moved from here
8 = moved from "Y" to "X"
9 = new "X" inserted here
10 = created in "X"
lintOpNodeId int, null object X - tblNodeId; This attribute can be NULL, if object X was removed from the database
txtOpNodeName nvarchar(255), null name of object X including full path
liPersonId int, not null Author of recorded operation - tPerson
lintOp2NodeId int, null object Y - tblNodeId; This attribute can be NULL, if object Y was removed from the database
txtOp2NodeName nvarchar(255), null name of object Y including full path
RemovedDate datetime, null
RemovedByPersonId int, null



Column Type Description
intIconId int, not null icon Id
oleIcon image, null icon bitmap
txtDesc nvarchar(255), null icon name
uid int, null Unique identifier UID (only system icons)


Numerical series - definitions.

Column Type Description
intIdSeqId int, not null 1 = Media
2 = Invoices
3 = Acceptance Protocols
4 = Documents
5 = Certificates
6 = EULAs
txtPrefix nvarchar(255), null Prefix
NextNumber nvarchar(60), null Next number that will be used. Formatting including "0" is preserved.
txtSuffix nvarchar(255), null Suffix
sName nvarchar(255), null Series name
liKindId int, null Property
bUse bit, not null 1=series is active
IdSeqTypeId int, null Numeric sequence type.


Records on installation and uninstallation of products on the computers (manual as well as detected)

Column Type Description
intInstHistId int, not null installation id
lintComputerNodeId int, not null Computer - tblNode
lintProductId int, not null Product - tblProduct
lintInstallDetectId int, null Which detection detected the installation - tblDetect
lintUnistallDetectId int, null Which detection detected the uninstallation - tblDetect
dteInstallDetected datetime, null Date on which the installation was detected
dteUninstallDetected datetime, null Date on which the uninstallation was detected
dteInstalled datetime, null Installed
dteUninstalled datetime, null Uninstalled
txtMemo nvarchar(max), null Note
txtDetProductName nvarchar(255), null Name of detected product
txtDetProductVersion nvarchar(255), null Version of detected product
intDetLanguage int, null Detection product language - LCID
txtDetProductId nvarchar(255), null Detected Product-ID
txtDetInstallDate nvarchar(255), null Detected installation date
txtDetRecognizedBy nvarchar(255), null Recognized by
txtDetCDKey nvarchar(255), null Detected CD-Key
liInstalledPersonId int, null Installed by - tPerson
liUninstalledPersonId int, null Uninstalled by - tPerson
Installed datetime, null Date of manual or detected installation of the product.
Uninstalled datetime, null Date of manual or detected uninstallation of the product.


Special installation.

Column Type Description
lintProductId int, not null Product - tblProduct
lintComputerNodeId int, not null Computer - tblNode
txtDesc nvarchar(255), null Note
ValidUntil datetime, null Date of expiration


Definitions of the objects properties.

Column Type Description
intKindId int, not null primary key
txtName nvarchar(255), not null property name
lintIconId int, null icon - tblIcon
intFlags int, null bit field:
0x20 = property not inheritable
lintValueKindId int, null This attribute contains the tblKind.intKindId definition of the property, from which the list of values shall be used (tblKindValue)
bolGlobalScope bit, not null 1 = global property for a class of objects. "0" indicates the property is considered local for each class of objects (printers, computers etc.). An automatic list of values is then put together from the values of this property for the given object class,
bolUnique bit, not null 1 = property value must be unique
intOrder int, null The sequence for table filtering can be set
intKindCode int, null The unique number determines the property (integrated ones are numbered), user properties do not have this number
bSelectOnly bit, not null 1 = property value can only be selected from the list of values
bAccounting bit, not null 1 = "accountant" role can edit the values of this property.
CleanValueByCopying bit, not null 1 = Delete value when copying properties
KindDataTypeId int, not null Property data type ID.


Value lists for the properties of objects.

Column Type Description
lintKindId int, not null definition of property - tblKind
txtValue nvarchar(255), null Value
KindValueBehaviorId int, null System item identification


ID of languages. Text in tblDict

Column Type Description
intLangId int, not null language Id, e.g. 1029=Czech, 1051=Slovak, 1033=English


License - list of purchased software licenses.

Column Type Description
intLicHistId int, not null Record ID
lintProductId int, not null Product - tblProduct
intCountChange int, null Number of purchased licenses
dteDate datetime, not null Purchase date
dteDateExpire datetime, null Date of expiration
txtLicName nvarchar(255), null License name
txtLicMode nvarchar(255), null License mode
txtMemo nvarchar(max), null Note
lintCancelLicHistId int, null License terminated by license number ID - tblLicHist
txtDepartment nvarchar(255), null Cost center
txtInventoryNum nvarchar(255), null Inventory number
bolHardlock bit, not null License protected with HW key
intLanguage int, null LCID language
dteUpgradeTo datetime, null Date of upgrading to ...
txtBuyRequest nvarchar(255), null Request
txtWebDownloadAddr nvarchar(1024), null Download website URL
txtActivationKey nvarchar(1024), null Activation Key
bolBundle bit, not null Bundle licenses
CreatedPersonId int, null Author - tPerson
CreatedDate datetime, null Created.
LicKindId int, not null 1 = devices
2 = user
3 = connection
4 = processor
Price float, null Price
AutoAssign bit, not null Assign automatically
MultiAssign bit, not null
LicTypeId int, null License type.
AutoAssignFilter nvarchar(max), null Filter for automatic assignment of licenses.
RemovedDate datetime, null Date and time of the license deletion.
RemovedByPersonId int, null Date and time of the license deletion.
Valid int, not null Is the license currently valid?


License - links to documents and media.

Column Type Description
lintLicHistId int, not null License ID - tblLicHist
lintAtomId int, not null Atom ID - tblAtom


License - license items.

Column Type Description
intLicHistItemId int, not null Record ID
lintLicHistId int, not null License ID - tblLicHist
NodeId int, null Computer ID - tblNode
ActivationKey nvarchar(255), null Serial number
lintCancelledByLicHistId int, null Voided by license ID
txtMemo nvarchar(max), null Note
txtInventoryNum nvarchar(255), null Inventory number
txtDepartment nvarchar(255), null Center
txtRequest nvarchar(255), null Request
AutoAssigned bit, not null Automatically assigned item
UpgradedFromLicHistItemId int, null


License - shared licenses.

Column Type Description
lintProductId int, not null Product - tblProduct
NodeId int, not null Computer - tblNode
LicNodeId int, not null Computer from which the license is shared - tblNode
txtDesc nvarchar(255), null Note


Log - changes in the properties values and information on the detection results.

Column Type Description
intLogId int, not null Record ID
lintNodeId int, null object - tblNode
lintDetectId int, null detection - tblDetect
dteLog datetime, null date and time
lintLogKindId int, null record type:
0 =unclassified
1 = information
2 = warning
3 = error
4 = edit property value
5 = computer offline
6 = file with detection does not exist yet (shared folder detection)
7 = detection data differs from data in records
8 = object cannot be automatically updated according to detection
9 = hw detection executed
10 = sw detection executed
11 = inventory executed
txtLog nvarchar(max), null record text
lintInventoryId int, null inventory - tblInventory
liLogPersonId int, null author - tPerson
RemovedDate datetime, null
RemovedByPersonId int, null



Column Type Description
lintAtomId int, not null Record ID
lintMediaTypeId int, not null Type - tblMediaTypeId
txtTitle nvarchar(255), null Name
txtAuthor nvarchar(255), null Author
txtMemo nvarchar(max), null Note
txtLocation nvarchar(255), null Location


Objects in the tree.

Column Type Description
intNodeId int, not null Object Id
lintParentId int, null Id of parent object, foreign key to tblNode
lintIconId int, null icon - tblIcon
intState int, null bit field:
1 = Recycle Bin object
2 = the object is protected against deletion
4 = Object Template object
8 = object cannot obe moved
0x10 = hidden object
0x20 = object template
0x40 = property list tabs
0x80 = history is not kept for the object
0x100 = folder "Computer found in network"
txtName nvarchar(255), null object name
bolHidden bit, not null 1=object is hidden; Objects Objects Templates, Properties list tabs and Recycle bin, including child objects, are hidden
lintClassId int, null object type - tblClass
bolAutoUpdate bit, not null 1=according to hardware detection; automatic object update is enabled; Objects with an attribute value of 1 are displayed in this tree as a "yellow triangle" symbol
txtLDAPGUID nvarchar(255), null GUID object value in ActiveDirectory, according to which the object was created.
bolComputerStateOn bit, null 1=object represents the last computer to respond to ping, 0=computer did not respond, NULL=ping not applied
txtPath nvarchar(1024), null path to tree object, for example, "Company/Prague Office/Sales Department"
bolIgnoreDifferences bit, not null 1=any differences found on this object during hardware detection will be ignored and the program will not attempt to update the tree object
liSwProfileId int, null which SW profile does the computer use
bSwAllAllowed bit, not null "All SW permitted" enabled on PC for profiles
LastAgentWSContact datetime, null
NotNullParentId int, not null The ID of the parent object; in the case of no parent object, 0 is here.


Objects in the tree - tree.

Column Type Description
lintNodeId int, not null object - tblNode
lintParentNodeId int, not null object on path to tree root - tblNode



Column Type Description
intNoticeId int, not null Record ID
lintNodeId int, not null object - tblNodeId
dteDateTime datetime, null date and time the note was created
txtSubject nvarchar(255), null subject
txtDesc nvarchar(max), null text
liPersonId int, null author - tPerson
RemovedDate datetime, null
RemovedByPersonId int, null


Objects in the tree - properties.

Column Type Description
intPropertyId int, not null primary key
lintNodeId int, not null object - tblNode
lintKindId int, not null property type - tblKind
txtValue nvarchar(255), null property value
intState int, null bite field:
2 = property locked against deletion
intNameOrder int, null property value order in object name; If the object name is not created from the property value, the value is 0 or NULL
bolInheritable bit, not null 1=property is inherited into the child objects
ParentNodeId int, null ID of the parent object from which the property is inherited.


Software products library version.

Column Type Description
intVersion int, null database version number (=35 and further recorded in tDb)
intDataVersion int, null basic data version number
dteSwLib datetime, null Software product library version date
intLangId int, null Database language
intLanguage int, null Database language
SwLibExtDate datetime, null Date on which the software product library version was expanded


Value lists for custom items.

Column Type Description
iColumnValueId int, not null Record ID.
liColumnId int, not null Link to custom item record.
liHdSectionId int, null NULL represents an item on the list of values applies to all services. The view is otherwise limited only to the configured service.
mColumnValue nvarchar(max), not null Displayed item name.
nOrder float, not null Order for displaying items, sorted from lowest to highest number.
sExtra1 nvarchar(255), null
ParentValue int, null Parent tree item.
ColumnValueShort nvarchar(max), not null Full name including path via parent items.


Computers for ALVAO Monitoring.

Column Type Description
iComputerId int, not null Record ID.
sComputer nvarchar(255), null computer name
mComputerNotes nvarchar(max), null
sComputerMonitoringAgentVersion nvarchar(255), null
dComputerMonitoringAgentVersionLastDetected datetime, null
dComputerMonitoringAgentLastDataTransition datetime, null
dComputerMonitoringAgentLastDataTransitionTry datetime, null
sComputerAdGuid nvarchar(255), null
sComputerOperatingSystem nvarchar(255), null
sComputerOperatingSystemVersion nvarchar(255), null
sComputerOperatingSystemServicePack nvarchar(255), null
dComputerCreated datetime, null
dComputerRemoved datetime, null Time at which the computer was deleted. If the computer was not deleted NULL.
bComputerWMIEnabled bit, null
sComputerWMIUser nvarchar(255), null
bComputerWMIIntegratedLogin bit, null
sComputerWMIAgentInstallRemotePath nvarchar(255), null
sComputerWMIAgentInstallPackagePath nvarchar(255), null
sComputerMonitoringAgentLastDataTransitionMessage nvarchar(255), null
bOldAgent bit, not null
UploadSessionId uniqueidentifier, null
UploadLastCall datetime, null
UploadFilename nvarchar(256), null
UploadLastPart int, null
RuntimeHoursMonth0 float, null Run time in month 0 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth1 float, null Run time in month 1 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth2 float, null Run time in month 2 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth3 float, null Run time in month 3 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth4 float, null Run time in month 4 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth5 float, null Run time in month 5 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth6 float, null Run time in month 6 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth7 float, null Run time in month 7 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth8 float, null Run time in month 8 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth9 float, null Run time in month 9 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth10 float, null Run time in month 10 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth11 float, null Run time in month 11 in hours.
RuntimeHoursMonth12 float, null Run time in month 12 in hours.


Attachments (to documents, notes, events, e-mails, ...) concerning the entire ALVAO system.

Column Type Description
iDocumentId int, not null Record ID.
sDocument nvarchar(255), null File name.
sDocumentContentType nvarchar(255), null MIME file type.
oDocument image, null Binary file data.
liDocumentActId int, null Link to event to which the file is attached.
liDocumentArticleId int, null Link to article to which the file is attached.
Url nvarchar(max), null
AMDocumentId int, null
AMNoticeId int, null
TicketTemplateId int, null Request template ID, if the document belongs to a template.
NewsId int, null Remote key to current message.
EmailSignatureId int, null
HdTicketApprovalId int, null Reference to the commencement of approving to which the file is attached.
HdTicketApprovalItemId int, null


Signatures for e-mail messages.

Column Type Description
iEmailSignatureId int, not null
liEmailSignaturePersonId int, null
sEmailSignature nvarchar(255), not null
mEmailSignatureText nvarchar(max), null
EmailSignatureHtml nvarchar(max), null Description in HTML


Templates of custom notifications and alerts sent by the ALVAO SAM Assistant module.

Column Type Description
liHdSectionId int, null
sNotificationKind nvarchar(64), null
bActive bit, not null
mSubject nvarchar(max), null
mTextBody nvarchar(max), null
SamAlertRuleId int, null
TransferConfirmAlertRuleId int, null Kind of alert to sign the handover protocol.


Request.Field item values.

Column Type Description
iHdBranchId int, not null Record ID.
sHdBranch nvarchar(255), null Full area name Contains the full path to the tree root, for example "A/B".
sHdBranchShort nvarchar(255), null Shortened area name, for example "B"
nHdBranchOrder float, null Order in which areas are displayed.
liHdBranchHdSectionId int, null Link to service in which the area is found.
liHdBranchParentHdBranchId int, null Link to ancestor in tree of areas. Root area has NULL link.


ALVAO Service Desk product services.

Column Type Description
iHdSectionId int, not null Record ID.
sHdSection nvarchar(255), null Full service name, including location. For example "Helpdesk/Technical Support“.
sHdSectionShort nvarchar(255), null Service short name. For example "Technical Support“.
mHdSectionDesc nvarchar(max), null Description of service.
sHdSectionImageFile nvarchar(255), null Service image location. This image is displayed on the Portal.
nHdSectionOrder float, null Order in which services are displayed.
liHdSectionParentHdSectionId int, null Link to ancestor in tree.
liHdSectionBuildingId int, null Link to building.
sHdSectionEmail nvarchar(255), null Service email.
sHdSectionMessageTagPrefix nvarchar(255), null Prefix in request number.
sHdSectionMessageTagSuffix nvarchar(255), null Suffix in request number.
sHdSectionExchangeMailboxUri nvarchar(255), null URI for loading messages via MailboxReader for WebDAV.
bHdSectionDefault bit, not null Flaf to determine whether the service is default.
1 - service is default
0 - service is not default
NULL - service is not default.
Only one service can be default.
sHdSectionPhone nvarchar(255), null Phone number.
sHdSectionImapServer nvarchar(255), null Address of IMAP server for loading messages from MailboxReader.
sHdSectionNewHdTicketShowFields nvarchar(1024), null List of optional items that shall be displayed on the portal during the process of creating a new request.
sHdSectionUserShowFields nvarchar(1024), null List of optional items that shall be displayed on the portal during the process of editing/viewing the request.
nHdSectionUserReopenDays float, null The number of days when the requester may reopen their request until the request is resolved.
bHdSectionMessageRemove bit, not null MailboxReader removes read messages from the server for "1".
sHdSectionMailboxLogin nvarchar(255), null Username used by MailboxReader to read messages.
sHdSectionMailboxPassword nvarchar(255), null Password used by MailboxReader to read messages.
bHdSectionHdTicketUserRead bit, not null If the value is 1, the user can view the requests of other users within this service.
bHdSectionFolder bit, not null If the service is only a folder containing other services and the user cannot insert requests, the value is 1. The button for creating a request for this service is not displayed in the portal.
sHdSectionNewHdTicketUrl nvarchar(1024), null URL of Custom form for creating a new request.
sHdSectionHdTicketCustomWorkflowUrl nvarchar(1024), null Custom workflow URL.
nHdSectionQueueHoursPerWeek float, null Number of work hours per week. This value is used for calculating the deadline for the request in the queue.
dHdSectionRemoved datetime, null Time at which the service was removed. The service is not removed for NULL.
sHdSectionEWSUri nvarchar(255), null URI EWS, from which MailboxReader reads mails.
bHdSectionMessageReadOnlyUnread bit, not null If the value is 1, MailboxReader only reads unread messages.
bHdSectionMessageMarkRead bit, not null If the value is 1, MailboxReader identifies the message as read once the message is loaded.
sHdSectionMessageFolder nvarchar(255), null MailboxReader moves the message to this folder.
bHdSectionImapSsl bit, not null MailboxReader uses SSL for connecting to the IMAP server for "1".
TicketTypeId int, not null
ImapPort int, null
UseFeedback bit, not null
CustomFeedbackUrl nvarchar(max), null
TileColor int, null
TileType int, null
AllowSkipCustomForm bit, not null If the value is 1 and a custom form is used for the service, a request can be created via the SD Console
DefaultLanguageId int, null Service local language.
DefaultTimeZone nvarchar(64), null Service local time zone.
CreateNewFollowingRequest bit, not null
CreateNewFollowingRequestToSection int, null
ShowInServiceCatalog bit, not null Column for the "View in the Service Catalogue" option.



Column Type Description
sHdTicket nvarchar(1024), null Request name
mHdTicketNotice nvarchar(max), null Notes to the request.
liHdTicketUserPersonId int, null Link to requester.
dHdTicket datetime, null Time at which the request was created.
dHdTicketDeadline datetime, null Deadline.
sHdTicketCategory nvarchar(255), null Category.
sHdTicketStateNotice nvarchar(255), null Status.
sHdTicketGroup nvarchar(255), null Group.
liHdTicketSolverPersonId int, null Link to solver. The operators have the request if NULL.
dHdTicketReceived datetime, null TIme at which the request was received. MailboxReader stores the moment the request was read here. The email time is considered the time created.
dHdTicketResolved datetime, null Time at which the request was closed by the solver.
sHdTicketDeviceCode nvarchar(255), null device number.
liHdTicketPriorityId int, null Link to priority.
sHdTicketUser nvarchar(255), null Requester name.
sHdTicketUserEmail nvarchar(255), null Requester email.
sHdTicketUserPhone nvarchar(255), null Requester's phone.
mHdTicketUserContact nvarchar(max), null Requester contact details.
liHdTicketHdSectionId int, not null Link to service in which the request is found.
sHdTicketUserMobile nvarchar(255), null Requester cell phone
sHdTicketUserOffice nvarchar(255), null Requester office.
sHdTicketUserDepartment nvarchar(255), null Requester's department.
sHdTicketUserWorkPosition nvarchar(255), null Requester's job.
sHdTicketUserCompany nvarchar(255), null Requester's company.
liHdTicketStartingActId int, null Link to event that establishes the request.
liHdTicketRoomId int, null Link to room.
sHdTicketHdBranch nvarchar(255), null Area.
sHdTicketMessageTag nvarchar(255), null Request number. Contains the prefix and suffix of the service in which the request is found as the root of the record ID.
liHdTicketNodeId int, null Link to devices. Database integrity check does not work here.
dHdTicketRemoved datetime, null Time at which the request was deleted.
liHdTicketSlaId int, not null Link to SLA, used for this request.
liHdTicketResolvedPersonId int, null
iHdTicketSolverOrder int, null
dHdTicketUserCloseLastAdvised datetime, null
nHdTicketEstimatedHours float, null
iHdTicketQueueOrder int, null
dHdTicketQueueDeadline datetime, null
liHdTicketHdTicketApprovalItemId int, null
sHdTicketWaitingForEmail nvarchar(255), null
Impact int, not null
Urgency int, not null
UserEmail2 nvarchar(255), null
UserPhone2 nvarchar(255), null
RelatedAccountId int, null Organization for which the request is implemented.
FeedbackLinkId uniqueidentifier, null Contains a unique guid ticket identifier.
FeedbackSolveSpeed int, null "Resolution speed“ item on satisfaction survey.
FeedbackProfessionality int, null "Professionalism“ item on satisfaction survey.
FeedbackExpertise int, null "Expertise“ item on satisfaction survey.
FeedbackComment nvarchar(max), null "Comments and notes" item on satisfaction survey.
ClosedDate datetime, null Request close date
ClosedByPersonId int, null ID of the person who closed the request
FirstReactionDeadline datetime, null
LastActionDate datetime, null Date of the last reaction
WaitingActId int, null The last event related to the request where the requester is waited for
WaitedForUserHours float, null Number of hours waited for the requester. The sum does not include an interval from the last event to the present; it is to be added after the vHdTicket view is called.
HasReaction bit, not null A flag indicating that the request has been responded to by the solver/operator.
WorkHours float, null Number of hours worked in relation to the request.
TravelHours float, null Number of hours spent on the way in respect of the request.
TravelKm float, null Number of kms reported in relation to the request.
NextActionDeadline datetime, null The current target date of the request.
iHdTicketId int, not null
OriginalDeadline datetime, null
ShiftedDeadline datetime, null
InternalTarget nvarchar(255), null Internal target name.
InternalTargetDeadline datetime, null Internal target date.


Request approval process instance - main record.

Column Type Description
iHdTicketApprovalId int, not null
liHdTicketApprovalHdTicketId int, not null
dHdTicketApprovalStarted datetime, null
liHdTicketApprovalStartedPersonId int, null
liHdTicketApprovalApprovalSchemaId int, null
ApprovalNotice nvarchar(max), null Instructions for the approver.
ApprovalNoticeHtml nvarchar(max), null


Request.Category item values.

Column Type Description
sHdTicketCategory nvarchar(255), not null Request category


Request custom items values.

Column Type Description
liHdTicketId int, not null Link to request to which the values belong.


List of values for item Request.Priority.

Column Type Description
iHdTicketPriorityId int, not null Record ID.
sHdTicketPriority nvarchar(255), null Naming the priority
bHdTicketPriorityDefault bit, not null If default is set as priority, the value is 1, The default priority is one.


A table containing the next request number.

Column Type Description
NextTicketId int, not null Next request number


Workflow statuses defined within Processes. Status names correspond with request states.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
TicketTypeId int, null
TicketState nvarchar(30), not null State text
Description nvarchar(max), null
SolverInstructions nvarchar(max), null
Order int, not null
TicketStateBehaviorId int, not null
CustomField1 int, null
TransitToAllStates bit, not null
ApprovalAutoStart bit, not null
IsApprovalState bit, not null
OnRejectedStateId int, null
OnApprovalStateId int, null
OnCanceledStateId int, null
OnExpiredStateId int, null
ApprovalSchemaId int, null
ApprovalPersonId int, null
ApprovalExpirationHours float, null
CloseAfterSolution bit, not null Automatic closing of request after changing to status - value = 1 is only possible in the Solved status.


List of request templates

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
Name nvarchar(255), null Template name (must be unique).
Description nvarchar(max), null Description of template.
HdSectionId int, not null ID of service in which the template is created.
RemovedByPersonId int, null Link to user that deleted the template. The template is not deleted for NULL.
RemovedDate datetime, null Date on which the template was deleted. The template is not deleted for NULL.
LastTicketId int, null ID of the last request automatically created based on this template (FK).
LastTicketCreationDate datetime, null Creation date of the last request automatically created based on this template.
NextDate datetime, null Next deadline for the planned request - only date (you cannot work with time).
Planning bit, not null Planning (0 - off, 1 - on).
UserId int, null Requester ID (FK).
StartDate datetime, null Beginning of repetition - only date (time is ignored).
EndAfter int, null Number of occurrences upon which planning is finished.
TicketCreatedCount int, not null Number of created requests based on this template in the current planning.
EndDate datetime, null End of repetition - only the date of the last available creation (you cannot work with time).
Daily bit, not null Daily (0 - off, 1 - on).
DailyEveryXDays int, null Repetition period in days.
DailyEveryWeekday bit, not null On weekdays (0 - off, 1 - on).
DailyAfterClosing int, null Upon closing the previous.
Weekly bit, not null Weekly (0 - off, 1 - on).
WeeklyEveryXDays int, null Repetition period in weeks.
WeeklyMonday bit, not null On Mondays.
WeeklyTuesday bit, not null On Tuesdays.
WeeklyWednesday bit, not null On Wednesdays.
WeeklyThursday bit, not null On Thursdays.
WeeklyFriday bit, not null On Fridays.
WeeklySaturday bit, not null On Saturdays.
WeeklySunday bit, not null On Sundays.
WeeklyAfterClosing int, null Upon closing the previous.
Monthly bit, not null Monthly (0 - off, 1 - on).
MonthlyDayInMonth int, null Which day in the month.
MonthlyDayInMonthEveryXMonths int, null Every X month.
MonthlyEveryXDayInWeek int, null Which weekday in the month (1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third, 4 - fourth, 5 - last).
MonthlyDayInWeek int, null Which weekday (1 - Monday, …, 8 - day, 9 - weekday).
MonthlyDayInWeekEveryXMonths int, null Every X month.
MonthlyAfterClosing int, null Upon closing the previous.
Yearly bit, not null Yearly (0 - off, 1 - on).
YearlyDayInMonth int, null Which day in the month.
YearlyDayInMonthOnMonth int, null Which month (1 - January, …).
YearlyEveryXDayInWeek int, null Which weekday in the month (1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third, 4 - fourth, 5 - last).
YearlyDayInWeek int, null Which weekday (1 - Monday, …).
YearlyDayInWeekOnMonth int, null Which month (1 - January, …).
YearlyAfterClosing int, null Upon closing the previous.
SolverId int, null Solver ID (FK).


column values on request template.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
TicketTemplateId int, not null Id of template to which the column belongs.
ColumnId int, not null Column Id.
DefaultValue nvarchar(max), not null Value stored in the column.


Time zone list.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
uid nvarchar(128), not null Unique identifier (matches the key in the registry).
DisplayName nvarchar(128), not null Localized name.


Time zone shifts compared to UTC for each year

Column Type Description
TimeZoneId int, not null Link to time zone.
FromDate datetime, null From date.
ToDate datetime, null Until.
Bias int, not null Shift compared to UTC in minutes.


Language environments.

Column Type Description
iLocaleId int, not null LocaleID. The list of these, for example, can be found here
sLocale nvarchar(255), not null Language name in Czech.
bLocaleEnabled bit, not null If set to 1, the language is used and is displayed in menus.
sLangAbbr nvarchar(10), null Three-letter language abbreviations. Used in all names of localization dll files. The list of these, for example, can be found here


Language localization for selected database values. The following items are supported: tHdSection.sHdSectionShort, tHdSection.mHdSectionDesc.

Column Type Description
iLocalizationId int, not null Record ID.
sTable nvarchar(128), null Name of table.
sAttribute nvarchar(128), null Column name.
iRecordId int, not null ID of record in target table designated for localization.
iLocaleId int, not null LCID of the language for which the localization is being executed.
mLocalization nvarchar(max), null Localized text.


Persons in the ALVAO system.

Column Type Description
iPersonId int, not null Record ID
sPerson nvarchar(255), null displayed username
sPersonLogin nvarchar(255), null user login
sPersonAdGuid nvarchar(255), null
sPersonEmail nvarchar(255), null e-mail
sPersonPhone nvarchar(255), null phone
sPersonMobile nvarchar(255), null mobile phone
sPersonOffice nvarchar(255), null office
sPersonDepartment nvarchar(255), null department
dPersonCreated datetime, null date on which the user was created
bPersonSystem bit, not null system user
sPersonWorkPosition nvarchar(255), null job
bHidden bit, not null Hide in menus
sPersonPswd nvarchar(255), null
bPersonShared bit, not null Shared account
bPersonAccountDisabled bit, not null Account is disabled
mPersonContact nvarchar(max), null Other contacts
sPersonCalendarWebDAVUri nvarchar(1024), null Calendar (WebDAV Uri)
sPersonUrgentEmail nvarchar(255), null E-mail for urgent messages
bPersonGuest bit, not null
dPersonRemoved datetime, null date on which the user was removed
mPersonNotes nvarchar(max), null
sPersonCountry nvarchar(255), null
sPersonCountryAbbr nvarchar(2), null
iPersonCountryCode int, null
sPersonPreferredLanguage nvarchar(2), null
sPersonCity nvarchar(255), null
oPersonSID image, null
sPersonAdPath nvarchar(1024), null
dPersonAdCreated datetime, null
sPersonSID nvarchar(255), null
liPersonManagerPersonId int, null
sPersonPersonalNumber nvarchar(255), null
liPersonDelegatePersonId int, null
dPersonOutOfOfficeSince datetime, null
iPersonLocaleId int, null Language number. This is the Microsoft LocaleID. The list of these, for example, can be found here The list of similar Locale ID can be found in the tLocale table
sPersonAdName nvarchar(255), null
liAccountId int, null
sFirstName nvarchar(255), null
sLastName nvarchar(255), null
sImportSystem nvarchar(255), null
sImportRecordId nvarchar(255), null
sAdDisplayName nvarchar(255), null
TimeZone nvarchar(64), null
Email2 nvarchar(255), null
Phone2 nvarchar(255), null
PersonPortrait varbinary, null
PersonPortraitHash varchar, null
PersonBehaviorId int, not null For user type, see the PersonBehavior table.


ALVAO system settings.

Column Type Description
sProperty nvarchar(255), not null Name of settings.
sPropertyValue nvarchar(2048), null Text value
bPropertyValue bit, null Truth value.
iPropertyValue int, null Integer value.
nPropertyValue float, null Real value
dPropertyValue datetime, null Time value


Sent alerts to sign the handover protocols.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
DocumentId int, not null Document ID.
RuleId int, not null Kind of alert.
SentDate datetime, not null Date of sending the alert.


Setting time of sending an alert and the period of the last alert repetition.

Column Type Description
SendTimeHour float, not null Alert send time.
RepeatTeamAlertAfterDays int, null Repetition period of the last alert.


Settings of rules for sending alerts of not yet signed handover protocols.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Rule ID.
Active bit, not null A flag indicating whether or not the alert is active.
AlertAfterDays int, null Send an alert after a specified number of days.
AlertRoleId int, null The group to which the last alert is sent.


Method of the assets takeover signing.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Item ID.
Name nvarchar(32), not null Name.


Groups of persons for the entire ALVAO.

Column Type Description
iRoleId int, not null Record ID.
sRole nvarchar(255), null Group name.
sRoleAdGuid nvarchar(255), null GUID in Active Directory
bRoleEveryone bit, not null Only one group "all", which has a value of 1, exists in ALVAO.
dRoleCreated datetime, null Time at which the group was created.
sDesc nvarchar(255), null
RoleBehaviorId int, not null


Persons' membership in groups.

Column Type Description
iRolePersonId int, not null Record ID.
liRolePersonRoleId int, not null Link to group.
liRolePersonPersonId int, not null Link to user within group.
liRolePersonIncludedRoleId int, null ID of the group from which the membership is promoted. NULL if the user has direct group membership.


Groups' membership in groups.

Column Type Description
iRoleRoleId int, not null Record ID.
liRoleRoleRoleId int, not null Link to group owners.
liRoleRoleMemberRoleId int, not null Link to owned group.


Request log records for notification sent for an unresolved issue or upcoming deadline.

Column Type Description
id int, not null
liHdTicketId int, not null
liSlaAlertRuleId int, null
dHdTicketDeadline datetime, null
dSent datetime, not null
sTo nvarchar(1024), not null
sError nvarchar(max), null
InternalTargetDeadline datetime, null Internal target date.


Rule for sending notifications for unresolved issues or an upcoming deadline.

Column Type Description
id int, not null
liSlaId int, not null
liToRoleStringId int, not null
liInactiveRoleStringId int, null
fInactiveHours float, null
fDeadlineExpireHours float, null
fRepeatEveryHours float, null
fSummarySendHour float, null
dSummaryLastSent datetime, null
InternalTargetExpireHours float, null Number of hours until the expiry of the internal target date.


Configuration of the SMTP server for ALVAO.

Column Type Description
sSmtpAddress nvarchar(255), null SMTP server address.
nSmtpPort int, null SMTP Server port.
sSmtpLogin nvarchar(255), null Username for SMTP server access.
sSmtpPswd nvarchar(255), null Password for SMTP server access.
bSmtpSsl bit, not null 1, should SSL be used for connecting to the SMTP server.
bWindowsAuth bit, not null


Employee labor contracts.

Column Type Description
iWorkLoadId int, not null Record ID.
liPersonId int, not null ID of the person assigned this labor contract
dStart datetime, not null Labor contract start date (UTC)
dEnd datetime, null Labor contract end date + 1 (UTC). NULL represents a labor contract for an indefinite period.
iWorkHoursPerDay float, not null Number of work hours per day.


Employee attendance record created in the ALVAO Attendance module.

Column Type Description
iWorkTimeId int, not null Record ID
liPersonId int, not null User ID
dStart datetime, not null Time at which the work started
dStop datetime, null Time at which work started/finished
mNotes nvarchar(max), null Note
dCreated datetime, not null Time at which the record for starting work was inserted
liCreatedPersonId int, null ID of the person that entered the record for starting work
dStopped datetime, null Time at which the record for finishing work was inserted
liStoppedPersonId int, null ID of the person that entered the record for completing work
dModified datetime, not null Time at which the record was last updated
liModifiedPersonId int, null ID of the last person to update the record


Information about the file uploaded via ServiceDesk WebService.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
FileName nvarchar(255), null Name of uploaded file
FileType nvarchar(255), null File type
UploadFileName nvarchar(255), not null Name of temporary file on server
UploadSessionId uniqueidentifier, null File transfer session ID
LastCall datetime, null date and time of last communication with server
LastPart int, null Sequence number of last uploaded file segments


Logging of the users logon/logout to/from Admin and Asset Management Console.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Record ID.
TimeStamp datetime, not null Date and time of logon/logout.
ActionId int, not null Kind of action from UserLogonLogAction.
PersonLogin nvarchar(255), not null The username of the logged-in user.
Person nvarchar(255), null Logged-in user name.
Computer nvarchar(255), null Computer name.
IsAdmin bit, not null Identifier of whether or not the user was entitled to change the object security.
ApplicationId int, not null Application to which the user has logged in.


Executed action which is logged.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Action ID.
Name nvarchar(50), not null Action name.


Application name.

Column Type Description
Id int, not null Application ID.
Name nvarchar(50), not null Application name.


Table with list of paid overtime hours

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID
PersonId int, not null ID of the person who received payment for overtime hours
Hours float, not null Number of paid overtime hours
Date datetime, not null Date of overtime hour payment
CreatedByPersonId int, not null ID of the person who paid for overtime hours
Notes nvarchar(max), null Notes
RemovedByPersonId int, null ID of the person that deleted the record
RemovedDate datetime, null Date on which the record was deleted.


View with objects of the computer in Asset type which are not hidden or in Discarded assets. In addition to described columns, the table contains the value of 100 most widely used properties. The column name and the property name are always identical.

Column Type Description
NodeId int, not null Node ID of the computer in the tree.
ParentNodeId int, null Node ID of the parent's object in the tree.
UserNodeId int, null Node ID of the object owner's object in the tree. NULL, if the object is not in the tree under the Object of the User type.
NodeName nvarchar(255), null Computer object name.
NodePath nvarchar(1024), null Full object path in the tree.
Class int, null Kind of object (Computer/desktop, etc.).
RAMSizeGB bigint, null RAM size.
TotalHDDSizeGB float, null HDD size.
HDDCount int, null Number of HDDs.
TotalHDDFreeSpaceGB float, null Free space on the HDD.
CPUName nvarchar(255), null CPU name.
CPUCount int, null Number of CPUs.
CPUFreq int, null CPU frequency.
OS nvarchar(255), null OS name.
LastSWDetected datetime, null Date of the last SW detection.
LastHWDetected datetime, null Date of the last HW detection.
Manufacturer nvarchar(255), null
Serial number nvarchar(255), null
Name nvarchar(255), null
Model nvarchar(255), null
Note nvarchar(255), null
Warranty expiration nvarchar(255), null
Vendor nvarchar(255), null
Purchase date nvarchar(255), null
Packing slip number nvarchar(255), null
Inventory number nvarchar(255), null
Price nvarchar(255), null
Purchase date (old) nvarchar(255), null
Warranty expiration (old) nvarchar(255), null
IP address nvarchar(255), null
Hostname nvarchar(255), null
Size nvarchar(255), null
Quantity nvarchar(255), null
Disk interface nvarchar(255), null
Cost center nvarchar(255), null
MAC address nvarchar(255), null
Version nvarchar(255), null
Refresh maximum nvarchar(255), null
Frequency nvarchar(255), null
Type nvarchar(255), null
Diagonal nvarchar(255), null
BIOS serial number nvarchar(255), null
Maximum vertical resolution nvarchar(255), null
Maximum horizontal resolution nvarchar(255), null
RAM size nvarchar(255), null
Maximum size nvarchar(255), null
Occupied sockets nvarchar(255), null
Sockets nvarchar(255), null
Domain Component nvarchar(255), null
Last logged-on user (username) nvarchar(255), null
Person responsible for software nvarchar(255), null
Number of logical CPU cores nvarchar(255), null
Case kind nvarchar(255), null
Monitor type nvarchar(255), null
Screen resolution nvarchar(255), null
Organization name nvarchar(255), null
__order nvarchar(255), null
User nvarchar(255), null
Network branch name nvarchar(255), null
Site name nvarchar(255), null
Organization code nvarchar(255), null
Address nvarchar(255), null
Department nvarchar(255), null
Room nvarchar(255), null
Floor nvarchar(255), null
Building nvarchar(255), null
E-mail nvarchar(255), null
Fax nvarchar(255), null
Phone nvarchar(255), null
Description nvarchar(255), null
Segment nvarchar(255), null
Subnet name nvarchar(255), null
Division nvarchar(255), null
Site nvarchar(255), null
Subdivision nvarchar(255), null
IMEI nvarchar(255), null
Data recording medium nvarchar(255), null
Center nvarchar(255), null
IP phone nvarchar(255), null
Pager nvarchar(255), null
Home phone nvarchar(255), null
ZIP code nvarchar(255), null
State or Province nvarchar(255), null
PO Box nvarchar(255), null
Company nvarchar(255), null
Country nvarchar(255), null
Street nvarchar(255), null
City nvarchar(255), null
Position nvarchar(255), null
Mobile phone nvarchar(255), null
Subsidiary nvarchar(255), null
Section nvarchar(255), null
Ethernet 100 Mbit nvarchar(255), null
Ethernet 10 Mbit nvarchar(255), null
DVD write speed nvarchar(255), null
CD write speed nvarchar(255), null
DVD read speed nvarchar(255), null
CD read speed nvarchar(255), null
Computer kind nvarchar(255), null
Facility nvarchar(255), null
Office nvarchar(255), null
Personal number nvarchar(255), null
IRQ nvarchar(255), null
IPX address nvarchar(255), null
DHCP Server nvarchar(255), null
DNS domain nvarchar(255), null
Unit nvarchar(255), null
Contact person nvarchar(255), null
Username nvarchar(255), null
Free space nvarchar(255), null
Picture height nvarchar(255), null
Picture width nvarchar(255), null
Video mode nvarchar(255), null
Maximum frequency nvarchar(255), null
Logical device nvarchar(255), null
File system nvarchar(255), null


View with all objects in Asset which are not hidden or in Discarded assets. In addition to described columns, the table contains the value of 100 most widely used properties. The column name and the property name are always identical.

Column Type Description
NodeId int, not null Node ID of the object in the tree.
ParentNodeId int, null Node ID of the parent's object in the tree.
UserNodeId int, null Node ID of the object owner's object in the tree. NULL, if the computer is not in the tree under the Object of the User type.
Class nvarchar(255), null Object kind name.
NodeName nvarchar(255), null Object name.
NodePath nvarchar(1024), null Full object path in the tree.
Manufacturer nvarchar(255), null
Serial number nvarchar(255), null
Name nvarchar(255), null
Model nvarchar(255), null
Note nvarchar(255), null
Warranty expiration nvarchar(255), null
Vendor nvarchar(255), null
Purchase date nvarchar(255), null
Packing slip number nvarchar(255), null
Inventory number nvarchar(255), null
Price nvarchar(255), null
Purchase date (old) nvarchar(255), null
Warranty expiration (old) nvarchar(255), null
IP address nvarchar(255), null
Hostname nvarchar(255), null
Size nvarchar(255), null
Quantity nvarchar(255), null
Disk interface nvarchar(255), null
Cost center nvarchar(255), null
MAC address nvarchar(255), null
Version nvarchar(255), null
Refresh maximum nvarchar(255), null
Frequency nvarchar(255), null
Type nvarchar(255), null
Diagonal nvarchar(255), null
BIOS serial number nvarchar(255), null
Maximum vertical resolution nvarchar(255), null
Maximum horizontal resolution nvarchar(255), null
RAM size nvarchar(255), null
Maximum size nvarchar(255), null
Occupied sockets nvarchar(255), null
Sockets nvarchar(255), null
Domain Component nvarchar(255), null
Last logged-on user (username) nvarchar(255), null
Person responsible for software nvarchar(255), null
Number of logical CPU cores nvarchar(255), null
Case kind nvarchar(255), null
Monitor type nvarchar(255), null
Screen resolution nvarchar(255), null
Organization name nvarchar(255), null
__order nvarchar(255), null
User nvarchar(255), null
Network branch name nvarchar(255), null
Site name nvarchar(255), null
Organization code nvarchar(255), null
Address nvarchar(255), null
Department nvarchar(255), null
Room nvarchar(255), null
Floor nvarchar(255), null
Building nvarchar(255), null
E-mail nvarchar(255), null
Fax nvarchar(255), null
Phone nvarchar(255), null
Description nvarchar(255), null
Segment nvarchar(255), null
Subnet name nvarchar(255), null
Division nvarchar(255), null
Site nvarchar(255), null
Subdivision nvarchar(255), null
IMEI nvarchar(255), null
Data recording medium nvarchar(255), null
Center nvarchar(255), null
IP phone nvarchar(255), null
Pager nvarchar(255), null
Home phone nvarchar(255), null
ZIP code nvarchar(255), null
State or Province nvarchar(255), null
PO Box nvarchar(255), null
Company nvarchar(255), null
Country nvarchar(255), null
Street nvarchar(255), null
City nvarchar(255), null
Position nvarchar(255), null
Mobile phone nvarchar(255), null
Subsidiary nvarchar(255), null
Section nvarchar(255), null
Ethernet 100 Mbit nvarchar(255), null
Ethernet 10 Mbit nvarchar(255), null
DVD write speed nvarchar(255), null
CD write speed nvarchar(255), null
DVD read speed nvarchar(255), null
CD read speed nvarchar(255), null
Computer kind nvarchar(255), null
Facility nvarchar(255), null
Office nvarchar(255), null
Personal number nvarchar(255), null
IRQ nvarchar(255), null
IPX address nvarchar(255), null
DHCP Server nvarchar(255), null
DNS domain nvarchar(255), null
Unit nvarchar(255), null
Contact person nvarchar(255), null
Username nvarchar(255), null
Free space nvarchar(255), null
Picture height nvarchar(255), null
Picture width nvarchar(255), null
Video mode nvarchar(255), null
Maximum frequency nvarchar(255), null
Logical device nvarchar(255), null
File system nvarchar(255), null


View with the log for objects.

Column Type Description
NodeId int, null Node ID of the object in the tree.
Subject nvarchar(max), null The text of the object log item title.
Date datetime, null Date of the record insert.
Flag int, null As far as the object history record is concerned, it contains the value determining the even kind. For more information, please refer to tblHistory.
Text nvarchar(max), null The text of the object log item.
Type int, not null 0=object history, 1=object note.


View with all objects in Asset and their child objects (including indirect links - deep immersion).

Column Type Description
ChildNodeId int, not null Node ID of the object in the tree.
ParentNodeId int, not null Node ID of the parent object in the tree.


View of the list of changes in permissions in the objects tree.

Column Type Description
TimeStamp datetime, not null Date and time of the change execution.
ModifiedBy nvarchar(255), not null Logged-in user name.
User nvarchar(255), null User name.
Group nvarchar(255), null Group name.
Object nvarchar(255), not null Object name.
ObjectOld nvarchar(255), null Object name - the previous value.
Recursive bit, not null Check box inclusive of child objects.
RecursiveOld bit, null Check box inclusive of child objects - the previous value.
Class nvarchar(255), null Object kind name.
ClassOld nvarchar(255), null Object kind name - the previous value.
Read bit, null Permission to read.
ReadOld bit, null Permission to read - the previous value.
Write bit, null Permission to edit.
WriteOld bit, null Permission to edit - the previous value.
Move bit, null Permission to move.
MoveOld bit, null Permission to move - the previous value.
Create bit, null Permission to create any objects.
CreateOld bit, null Permission to create any objects - the previous value.
Delete bit, null Permission to delete.
DeleteOld bit, null Permission to delete - the previous value.


View of the list of changes in permissions in the objects tree.

Column Type Description
TimeStamp datetime, not null Date and time of the change execution.
MemberType nvarchar(50), null User or group.
Member nvarchar(255), not null User name or group name.
Operation nvarchar(50), null Operation - added or removed.
Group nvarchar(255), not null Name of the group in which membership changed.
ModifiedBy nvarchar(255), not null The name of the user who did the change.


View with installed products (software) on not yet deleted computers.

Column Type Description
ComputerNodeId int, null Node ID of the computer in the tree.
ParentNodeId int, null Node ID of the parent's object in the tree.
Product nvarchar(1023), null Product name.
Category int, null Product category (e.g. 1 - OS).
NeedsLicense int, not null 1=product requires license.
FirstInstallationDetected datetime, null Date of the installation first detection.
Installed datetime, null Date of installation.
LastDetectionDateTime datetime, null Date of the last detection.
LastDetectedProductVersion nvarchar(255), null Last detected version.
LastDetectedProductName nvarchar(255), null Last detected product name.
LicenseInventoryNumber nvarchar(255), null Inventory number for license.
LicenseActivationKey nvarchar(255), null License activation number.
LicenseInvoiceNumber nvarchar(255), null License invoice number.
LicenseCertificateNumber nvarchar(255), null License certificate number.
Authorized bit, null The software installation on the computer is confirmed or a license has been assigned to that computer.
CDKey nvarchar(255), null CD key for the software product.
Description nvarchar(max), null Last note at an installation history record.
Language int, null Language version of the software product. The number specifies the national environment language based on the specification for Microsoft platforms. For example, the value 1029 is for Czech, 1033 for English.
LicenceName nvarchar(255), null License name.
Publisher nvarchar(255), null Software manufacturer.
SoftwarePack int, not null The product is from the SW package.
Type int, null Software product type. 1 - commercial 2 - freeware 3 - shareware/trial 4 - not specified
User int, null Author of the product installation.
Comment nvarchar(255), null Installation comment.


View with all objects of the User in Asset type which are not hidden or in Discarded assets. In addition to described columns, the table contains the value of 100 most widely used properties. The column name and the property name are always identical.

Column Type Description
NodeId int, not null Node ID of the object in the tree.
ParentNodeId int, null Node ID of the parent's object in the tree.
NodeName nvarchar(255), null Object name.
NodePath nvarchar(1024), null Full object path in the tree.
Manufacturer nvarchar(255), null
Serial number nvarchar(255), null
Name nvarchar(255), null
Model nvarchar(255), null
Note nvarchar(255), null
Warranty expiration nvarchar(255), null
Vendor nvarchar(255), null
Purchase date nvarchar(255), null
Packing slip number nvarchar(255), null
Inventory number nvarchar(255), null
Price nvarchar(255), null
Purchase date (old) nvarchar(255), null
Warranty expiration (old) nvarchar(255), null
IP address nvarchar(255), null
Hostname nvarchar(255), null
Size nvarchar(255), null
Quantity nvarchar(255), null
Disk interface nvarchar(255), null
Cost center nvarchar(255), null
MAC address nvarchar(255), null
Version nvarchar(255), null
Refresh maximum nvarchar(255), null
Frequency nvarchar(255), null
Type nvarchar(255), null
Diagonal nvarchar(255), null
BIOS serial number nvarchar(255), null
Maximum vertical resolution nvarchar(255), null
Maximum horizontal resolution nvarchar(255), null
RAM size nvarchar(255), null
Maximum size nvarchar(255), null
Occupied sockets nvarchar(255), null
Sockets nvarchar(255), null
Domain Component nvarchar(255), null
Last logged-on user (username) nvarchar(255), null
Person responsible for software nvarchar(255), null
Number of logical CPU cores nvarchar(255), null
Case kind nvarchar(255), null
Monitor type nvarchar(255), null
Screen resolution nvarchar(255), null
Organization name nvarchar(255), null
__order nvarchar(255), null
User nvarchar(255), null
Network branch name nvarchar(255), null
Site name nvarchar(255), null
Organization code nvarchar(255), null
Address nvarchar(255), null
Department nvarchar(255), null
Room nvarchar(255), null
Floor nvarchar(255), null
Building nvarchar(255), null
E-mail nvarchar(255), null
Fax nvarchar(255), null
Phone nvarchar(255), null
Description nvarchar(255), null
Segment nvarchar(255), null
Subnet name nvarchar(255), null
Division nvarchar(255), null
Site nvarchar(255), null
Subdivision nvarchar(255), null
IMEI nvarchar(255), null
Data recording medium nvarchar(255), null
Center nvarchar(255), null
IP phone nvarchar(255), null
Pager nvarchar(255), null
Home phone nvarchar(255), null
ZIP code nvarchar(255), null
State or Province nvarchar(255), null
PO Box nvarchar(255), null
Company nvarchar(255), null
Country nvarchar(255), null
Street nvarchar(255), null
City nvarchar(255), null
Position nvarchar(255), null
Mobile phone nvarchar(255), null
Subsidiary nvarchar(255), null
Section nvarchar(255), null
Ethernet 100 Mbit nvarchar(255), null
Ethernet 10 Mbit nvarchar(255), null
DVD write speed nvarchar(255), null
CD write speed nvarchar(255), null
DVD read speed nvarchar(255), null
CD read speed nvarchar(255), null
Computer kind nvarchar(255), null
Facility nvarchar(255), null
Office nvarchar(255), null
Personal number nvarchar(255), null
IRQ nvarchar(255), null
IPX address nvarchar(255), null
DHCP Server nvarchar(255), null
DNS domain nvarchar(255), null
Unit nvarchar(255), null
Contact person nvarchar(255), null
Username nvarchar(255), null
Free space nvarchar(255), null
Picture height nvarchar(255), null
Picture width nvarchar(255), null
Video mode nvarchar(255), null
Maximum frequency nvarchar(255), null
Logical device nvarchar(255), null
File system nvarchar(255), null


View of the list of changes in permissions in the objects tree.

Column Type Description
TimeStamp datetime, not null Date and time of the change execution.
Username nvarchar(255), not null The username of the user.
User nvarchar(255), null User name.
Action nvarchar(50), null Executed action - logon, logout.
Application nvarchar(50), null Name of the application in which he executed the action.
Computer nvarchar(255), null Name of the computer to which he logged in.
IsAdmin bit, not null Identifier of whether or not the user was logged in with the administrator permission.


Auxiliary view for the language localization of service names and descriptions.

Column Type Description
iHdSectionId int, not null ID of record with service.
iHdSectionLocaleId int, not null LCID of the language for which the localization is executed
sHdSection nvarchar(max), null Localized full service name.
sHdSectionShort nvarchar(max), null Localized short service name.
mHdSectionDesc nvarchar(max), null Localized service description.


Effective service managers.

Column Type Description
liHdSectionManagerHdSectionId int, not null Link to service in which the user is the manager.
liHdSectionManagerPersonId int, null Link to user.


Effective service operators.

Column Type Description
liHdSectionOperatorHdSectionId int, not null Link to service in which the user is the operator.
liHdSectionOperatorPersonId int, null Link to user


Effective service solvers.

Column Type Description
liHdSectionSolverHdSectionId int, not null Link to service in which the user is the solver.
liHdSectionSolverPersonId int, null Link to user.


Overview of time zones and shifts compared to UTC.

Column Type Description
id int, not null Record ID.
uid nvarchar(128), not null Unique identifier (matches the key in the registry).
DisplayName nvarchar(128), not null Localized name.
FromDate datetime, null From date.
ToDate datetime, null Until.
Bias int, not null Shift compared to UTC in minutes


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