SAM Notifications
- Go to the ALVAO Admin – Manage – Groups and add people responsible for software licenses in your company into PC software managers group. The notifications will be normally sent to those people.
- Go to the main menu and select Manage – Asset Management – SAM – notification command.
- This opens the SAM – notifications window, where eventually edit the rules for notifications.
Enabling e-mail notifications of missing licenses for specific products
- Go to the AM Console and use the Software – Products (software)... command.
- This will display a list of all products. Select the products you want to enable sending notifications for and from the context menu use the Audit... command.
- In the displayed window select the Notify per e-mail option from the drop-down box and confirm the change by clicking OK button.
Note: The Audit column is displayed also in the top list in the Overview of licenses and installations window and you can use the context menu there to select the Audit... command.
Regular license transparency check
If you find anytime during the regular license transparency check that a license is missing on some computer:
- ... and the Audit feature is set to Yes, you can set the value for this product (use the Audit... command in the context menu) to Notify per e-mail which will automatically send notifications based on the selected criteria: see ALVAO Admin – Manage – Asset Management – SAM – notifications.
- ... and the Audit feature is set to Notify per e-mail you can re-send notifications by selecting Re-send notification in the context menu. The date of previous notification is displayed in the bottom list in the Last notification column. The column Next scheduled notification displays the date for which the next automatic notification is scheduled.
Viewing history of notifications sent for specific computer
- Select a computer in the Objects Tree in the AM Console.
- Go to the Log tab.
- The Log includes records on any notifications sent.
Note: Information displayed in the columns:
- Icon –

- Date – notification sent date.
- Record kind – Displays text: Notification of missing license
- Title – Displays text: Notification sent
- Message – Displays text: Product: "<product name>"; Order of notifications: N; Recipients: "<list of recipients>"
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