1394 Controller (Win32_1394Controller) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
*BaseBoard (Win32_BaseBoard) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer, Product, Version, SerialNumber |
BitLocker (Win32_EncryptableVolume) |
DeviceID, Drive Letter, Protection Status |
Bus (Win32_Bus) |
Caption, Description, Name, DeviceID |
CDROM Drive (Win32_CDROMDrive) |
Caption, Description, Name, Drive, Manufacturer |
*Computer System (Win32_ComputerSystem) |
Name, Manufacturer, Domain, Caption, Model, Description, SystemType, WakeUpType, UserName, DomainRole, TotalPhysicalMemory |
*Disk Drives (Win32_DiskDrive) |
Caption, Size, InterfaceType, MediaType, Description, Manufacturer, DeviceID, Index |
*Disk Partitions (Win32_DiskPartition) |
Caption, Size, Description, DiskIndex |
Floppy Controller (Win32_FloppyController) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
IDE Controller (Win32_IDEController) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
Installed Applications - (Win32Reg_AddRemovePrograms) |
Product ID, Display Name, Install Date, Publisher, Version |
*Installed Software - Asset Intelligence (SMS_InstalledSoftware) |
PackageCode, ProductName, InstallDate, InstalledLocation, InstallSource, Language, ProductID, ProductVersion, Publisher, UninstallString, VersionMajor, VersionMinor |
Keyboard (Win32_Keyboard) |
Caption, PNPDeviceID, Description, Name |
Logged On User (Win32_LoggedOnUser) |
Antecedent, Depoendent |
*Logical Disk (Win32_LogicalDisk) |
Caption, FileSystem, VolumeSerialNumber, Size, FreeSpace, Compressed, Description, DriveType |
Logon Session (Win32_LogonSession) |
Caption, Description, Name, LogonId, LogonType, StartTime |
Modem (Win32_POTSModem) |
Caption, PNPDeviceID, Description, Name, DeviceType, AttachedTo |
*Network Adapter (Win32_NetworkAdapter) |
Caption, Name, MACAddress, AdapterType, DeviceID, Description, Manufacturer |
*Network Adapter Configuration (Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration) |
Caption, Description, IPAddress, IPSubnet, IPEnabled, DNSServerSearchOrder, DHCPEnabled, Index, ServiceName |
*Operating System (Win32_OperatingSystem) |
Caption, Description, CSDVersion, Version, Organization, RegisteredUser, InstallDate, Manufacturer, SystemDirectory, SerialNumber, OSLanguage |
Parallel Port (Win32_ParallelPort) |
Caption, Description, Name |
*PC BIOS (Win32_BIOS) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Version, SerialNumber |
PCMCIA Controller (Win32_PCMCIAController) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
*Physical Media (Win32_PhysicalMedia) |
Caption, Name, Description, SerialNumber, Tag |
*Physical Memory (Win32_PhysicalMemory) |
Caption, Description, Name, Version, Manufacturer, Capacity, DeviceLocator, SerialNumber, DataWidth, Speed, FormFactor, MemoryType, TypeDetail |
*Physical Memory Array (Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray) |
Caption, Description, Name, MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices |
*PNP Device Driver (Win32_PnpEntity) |
Caption, Description, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID, Service |
Pointing Device (Win32_PointingDevice) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
Printer Device (Win32_Printer) |
Caption, Description, Name, PortName, PNPDeviceID |
*Processor (SMS_Processor) |
Caption, Description, Name, MaxClockSpeed, ProcessorId, Version, SocketDesignation, Manufacturer, NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfCores |
SCSI Controller (Win32_SCSIController) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
Serial Ports (Win32_SerialPort) |
Caption, Description, Name |
*Sound Devices (Win32_SoundDevice) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer |
System Enclosure (Win32_SystemEnclosure) |
Caption, ChassisTypes, Description, Name |
Uninterruptible Power Supply (Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply) |
Caption, Description, Name, UPSPort |
USB Controller (Win32_USBController) |
Caption, Description, Name, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID |
*Video Controller (Win32_VideoController) |
Caption, AdapterRAM, VideoModeDescription, CurrentRefreshRate, MaxRefreshRate, Monochrome, Description, PNPDeviceID |
Volume (Win32_Volume) |
DeviceID, Capacity, Caption, Compressed, Description, DriveLetter, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, Name, SerialNumber |
*WmiMonitorId (WmiMonitorId) |
Active, UserFriendlyNameLength, UserFriendlyName, ManufacturerName, InstanceName, SerialNumberID
Note: The class is located in the namespace "root\wmi" |
*WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams (WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams) |
Active, InstanceName, MaxHorizontalImageSize, MaxVerticalImageSize
Note: The class is located in the namespace "root\wmi" |