WA - Request - Only requester - Send message - Message wrongly generate an e-mail to the service mailbox and then is loaded back to the request
This article is about product releases
ALVAO Service Desk 11.1 and higher
User with only the service requester role will use the Send Message or Reply command.
His action is recorded in the request log and subsequently an e-mail is mistakenly sent to the service mailbox.
The Alvao Service then reads this message back into the same request.
The message is in the request log twice: once from the requester and once from the service.
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Fixed in release 11.1.1287 - 11.1/FIX1 (2023-05-04)
Steps to reproduce this behavior
User with only the service requester role will use the Send Message or Reply command.
Issue number