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AM - Software - the licence per user does not cover the package components

This article is about product releases

ALVAO Asset Management 11.0 and higher


The product of the license contains components, or such product is in substitute products.
The licence model is "per user".
The "Cover components without package installation" option (license) is disabled.


The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.


Fixed in release 11.1.2039 - 11.1/SP1 (2023-09-14)


Run the following script on the database:

alter view dbo.vSwLic_UserComputer as
    lh.intLicHistId LicHistId,
    lh.lintProductId LicProductId,
    lhi.NodeId UserId,
    pc.intNodeId ComputerId
from tblLicHist lh
    join LicProductCoverage lpc on lpc.LicHistId=lh.intLicHistId
    join tblLicHistItem lhi on lhi.lintLicHistId=lh.intLicHistId and lhi.lintCancelledByLicHistId is null
    join tblNodeParent np on np.lintParentNodeId=lhi.NodeId
    join tblNode pc on pc.intNodeId=np.lintNodeId
    join tblClass cl on cl.intClassId=pc.lintClassId and cl.bComputer=1
where lh.Valid=1
    and lh.LicKindId=2
	and (lpc.ProductPackId is null 
		or lh.CoverPackPartsWithoutPackageInstalled=1
		or exists(select 1 
			from tblInstHist ih2 
			where ih2.Uninstalled is null 
				and ih2.lintComputerNodeId=pc.intNodeId
				and ih2.lintProductId=lpc.ProductPackId))

Steps to reproduce this behavior


Issue number



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