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AM - Detections - ends by an error: Detected computer has the name "$1" in the network in the evidence but its detected name is "$2".

This article is about product releases

ALVAO Asset Management 11.1 and higher


- machine identification is set to "Bios serial number"
- the detection (HW or SW) ends by an error: Detected computer has the name "$1" in the network in the evidence but its detected name is "$2". Name in the network was not updated.




Fixed in release 11.1.2039 - 11.1/SP1 (2023-09-14)


The error message is nonsensical, it should be: The Registry has not been updated according to the detection because some core computer HW components are already registered for a different computer. For more information use "Find corresponding computer" and "Compare with registry" on the "Detections" tab.

Steps to reproduce this behavior


Issue number



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