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AM Console - suggest drop-downs - does not suggest for the first time

This article is about product releases

ALVAO Asset Management 11.1 and higher


This problem affects some suggest drop-down menus (without icon), e.g. License Registry - New License - Product selection.
When some text is typed into the edit line of the drop-down menu for the first time, the drop-down list is displayed, but it is not filtered by the typed text.


The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.


Fixed in release 11.1.2098 - 11.1/SP1 FIX5 (2023-10-05)


Type the part of the text you are looking for in the edit line of the drop-down menu. Wait for the drop-down list to appear and then type one more character - the list will be filtered by the entire text you typed.

Steps to reproduce this behavior


Issue number



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