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First Steps

  • Import users from Active Directory
    • LDAP path - option to specify the LDAP path. For example: LDAP://dc=company,dc=com
      If you need to use LDAPS, you must add Active Directory server hostname and port before specifying the variants. For example: "LDAP://domainserver:636/dc=company,dc=com".
    • Create scheduled task for regular user import (1x/day) - option to schedule regular user import 1x/day. The created task is named "ALVAO Import Users".
    • Other settings
      • Remove users that do not exist in AD - option to remove users that do not exist in AD.
      • Person Name Template - determines which attributes from AD will be used to build the Person Name in ALVAO.
      • Active Directory record attribute - A predefined selection of attributes. Select the attribute and click . Paste button to insert it into the top row.
  • Import portraits
    • Create a scheduled task for regular import of portraits from a folder (1x/day) - option to import portraits regularly. The created task is named "ALVAO Import Portraits".
    • Other settings
      • Path to portraits folder - option to specify the path to the portraits.


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