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HTML print report templates

A HTML print report template is a document in HTML format. The document contains variables that are replaced by specific data when generating a print report. Examples of templates (e.g. Internal handover protocol - cumulative.html) can be found in the AM Console installation folder in the Enu/ReportTemplates folder or in folders for other languages.

Creating a template

To create an HTML document, we recommend using any visual HTML editor (e.g. MS Word).

Suggest how the report will look like - what will be the title, where will be the table with information about the selected objects, possibly the text of the declaration, etc. Insert the appropriate variables in the places where specific data from Alvao should be inserted, see below. Upload the created HTML file and, if applicable, the company logo image named "logo.png" to the database using Administration - Asset Management - Print Report Templates.

Print report type

A print report can be one of the following types:

Print report type Description
General General print report (default type).
TransferInnerDifferential Transfer protocol internal differential. Before the print report is generated, the application displays a form for selecting the transferor and recipient.
TransferInnerSummary Transfer protocol internal summary. This report can only be generated for an object of type User. Before the print report is generated, the application displays a form for selecting the transferor and the recipient.

You can specify the report type at the beginning of the HTML document body (<body>). For example, for the type internal difference transfer report, specify:

@Model.PrintTemplateType = TransferInnerDifferential

If the report type is not specified in the HTML document, the default General type is used.

It is recommended to use Notepad++ or similar text editor to edit the html file


General variables

Variable Description
@Model.CompanyLogo CompanyLogo. When the report is generated, the variable is replaced by an image in a file named "logo.png", which must be stored in the database along with the HTML file of the print report.
@Model.CreatedByPerson Name of the user who generated the print report (logged in user).

Transfer protocols

In print report templates of type TransferInnerDifferential and TransferInnerSummary, you can use variables that represent the data entered in the "sender and receiver" form:

Variable Description
@Model.DocumentNumber DocumentNumber
@Model.IssueDate Issue Date
@Model.TransferDate Transfer Date
@Model.Text Text entered on the form
@Model.Receiver.Name Recipient's first and last name
@Model.Receiver.PersonalNumber Recipient's personal number
@Model.Receiver.Location Recipient Location
@Model.Receiver.Signature Receiver's signature with an electronic pen in the internal handover protocol. In other ways of signing the protocol, the value of the variable is empty.
@Model.Receiver[<property name>] The value of a specific user property, for example: @Model.Receiver[E-Mail]. The property name is in Alvao system language.
@Model.Originator.Name First and last name of the originator
@Model.Originator.PersonalNumber Personal number of the submitter
@Model.Originator.Location Location of the sender
@Model.Originator.Signature Signature of the submitter with-electronic-pen in the internal handover protocol. In other ways of signing the protocol, the value of the variable is empty.
@Model.Originator[<property name>] The value of a specific user property, for example: @Model.Originator[E-Mail]. The property name is in Alvao system language.


Information about objects is given in the form of a table in the print reports. In the report template, create a table (< table >) with column headers and one row of data, and include the following variables as needed. In the resulting report, one row is created in the table for each selected object.

Variable Description
@Node.Name Name of the selected object
@Node.Class Object class
@Node.Path Path in tree
@Node[<property name>] The value of a specific object property, for example: @Node[Inventory Number]. The property name is in Alvao system language.
@ResponsibleForNode.Name The name of the object for which the selected user is further responsible. The @ResponsibleForNode... variables are available only in print reports of type TransferInnerSummary.
@ResponsibleForNode.Class object type
@ResponsibleForNode.Path Path in tree
@ResponsibleForNode[<property name>] The value of a specific object property, for example: @ResponsibleForNode[Inventory Number]. The property name is in Alvao system language.
  • Only objects that have the Inventory Number or Asset Number property will be displayed in the table.
  • If the table does not contain any data (e.g. the user is not responsible for any other assets), a dash (-) will be shown in the print report instead.


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