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Custom script

The Config folder can contain a file EpCustomScript.js with a custom script in JavaScript. The Config folder can be found in the folder where the Asset Management Console is installed (by default C:\Program Files\ALVAO\Asset Management Console\Config), if it is not there, create it and put the script in it. After restarting the AM Console, the script will activate itself.

Handlers can be defined in the script that are automatically called from the AM Console when performing various operations.

Example 1. Example of EpCustomScript.js

function OnNodeMoving(nNodeId,nDestNodeId,nUserId) {
  return true;

function OnNodeRemoving(nNodeId,nUserId) {
  MessageBox("Object cannot be removed",0x30);
  return false;

The script in the example contains the OnNodeMoving function and OnNodeRemoving. The OnNodeMoving function is used to enable moving an object in the tree. The function is called before the move is performed and the return value true indicates that the move is enabled. The OnNodeRemoving function is called before removing an object from the tree, and its return value enables removal. So in the example above, moving an object is always enabled and removing it is always disabled. In addition, when you try to delete an object, a window with the message "Object cannot be deleted" is displayed.

Service functions

Functions Event
OnNodeCopying A copy of the object will be created. This function is also called when a new object is created by a template.
OnNodeCopied The object has been copied or a new object has been created according to the template.
OnNodeMoving The object will be moved in the tree.
OnNodeMoved The object has been moved.
OnNodeRemoving The object will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
OnNodeRemoved The object has been moved to the Trash.
OnPropertyModificationEnabled Enable/disable command - Modify (property).
OnPropertyModifying The value of the property will be changed.
OnPropertyModified The value of the property has been changed.


This function is called before copying an object in the tree, i.e. also in case of creating a new object according to the template.

  • Syntax - bool OnNodeCopying(nNodeId, nDestNodeId, nUserId)
  • Parameters
    • nNodeId - the value of the attribute (in the database) tblNode.intNodeId of the object that is copied, i.e. the sample object.
    • nDestNodeId - value of the tblNode.intNodeId attribute of the object into which the copy will be inserted as a child object. A value of 0 means that the copy will be created at the root of the tree.
    • nUserId - the value of the tblUser.intUserId attribute that specifies the currently logged in user.
  • return value - if the function returns true, the object will be copied. If the function returns false, the copy will not be performed. In this case, it is useful to display an error message using the method MessageBox.
  • Examples

    Example 2. Example - Disable copying objects for selected user

    The following example of the OnNodeCopying function prohibits a user with ID 15 from copying objects. The user ID depends on the specific database and must first be found in the tblUser table - attribute intUserId.

    function OnNodeCopying(nNodeId,nDestNodeId,nUserId) {
        if ( nUserId == 15 ) {
            MessageBox("The object is forbidden to copy.",0x30);
            return false; 
        return true;

    Example 3. Example - calling a stored procedure on SQL server

    In the following example, the stored procedure spOnNodeCopying on the SQL server is used to evaluate the event. Object copying is enabled if the stored procedure returns a non-zero value.

    function OnNodeCopying(nNodeId,nDestNodeId,nUserId) {
        var Con=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
        var Cmd=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Command");
        var Rs=Cmd.Execute();
        if ( Rs.Fields.Item(0)==1 )
            return true; 
        MessageBox("Object cannot be copied.",0x30);
        return false;

    The stored procedure is defined as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[OnNodeCopying]
        @nNodeId int, @nDestNodeId int, @nUserId int
        SET NOCOUNT ON; 
        SELECT 1


This function is called after copying an object or after creating a new object according to the template.

  • Syntax - void OnNodeCopied(nNodeId, nNewNodeId, nUserId)
  • Parameters
    • nNodeId - the value of the attribute (in the database) tblNode.intNodeId of the object that was copied, i.e. the sample object.
    • nNewNodeId - value of the tblNode.intNodeId attribute of the new object that was created by copying.
    • nUserId - the value of the tblUser.intUserId attribute specifying the currently logged in user.
  • return value - none
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


This function is called before moving an object in the tree to another location.

  • Syntax - bool OnNodeMoving(nNodeId, nDestNodeId, nUserId)
  • Parameters
    • nNodeId - the value of the attribute (in the database) tblNode.intNodeId of the object to be moved.
    • nDestNodeId - the value of the tblNode.intNodeId attribute of the object to which the object is to be moved. A value of 0 means that the object will be moved to the root of the tree.
    • nUserId - the value of the tblUser.intUserId attribute that specifies the currently logged in user.
  • return value - if the function returns true, the object will be moved. If the function returns false, the move will not be performed. In this case, it is useful to display an error message using the method MessageBox.
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


This function is called after moving an object in the tree.

  • Syntax - void OnNodeMoved(nNodeId, nSrcParentNodeId, nUserId)
  • Parameters
    • nNodeId - the value of the attribute (in the database) tblNode.intNodeId of the object that was moved.
    • nSrcParentNodeId - the value of the tblNode.intNodeId attribute of the object that was the father (parent object) of the nNodeId object before it was moved.
    • nUserId - the value of the tblUser.intUserId attribute that identifies the currently logged in user.
  • return value - none
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


This function is called before removing an object, i.e. moving it to the Recycle Bin.

  • Syntax - bool OnNodeRemoving(nNodeId, bMoveToBin, nUserId)
  • Parameters
    • nNodeId - value of the attribute (in the database) tblNode.intNodeId of the object to be removed or moved to the Recycle Bin.
    • bMoveToBin - if the object is to be moved to the Recycle Bin, this parameter has the value true.
    • nUserId - the value of the tblUser.intUserId attribute specifying the currently logged in user.
  • return value - if the function returns true, the object will be removed or moved to the Recycle Bin. If the function returns false, the operation is not performed. In this case, it is advisable to display an error message using the method MessageBox.
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


This function is called after an object is removed, i.e. after it is moved to the Recycle Bin.

  • Syntax - void OnNodeRemoved(nNodeId, bMoveToBin, nUserId)
  • Parameters
    • nNodeId - value of the attribute (in the database) tblNode.intNodeId of the object that was removed or moved to the Recycle Bin.
    • bMoveToBin - if the object is moved to the Recycle Bin, this parameter has the value true.
    • nUserId - the value of the tblUser.intUserId attribute specifying the currently logged in user.
  • return value - none
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


Enables or disables the -Modify command to modify a property.

  • Syntax - bool OnPropertyModificationEnabled(nPropertyId)
  • Parameters
    • nPropertyId - Attribute value (in the database) of the tblProperty.intPropertyId property to be modified.
  • Return Value - If the function returns true, the -Edit menu command will be active. Otherwise it will be inactive (grayed out).
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


This function is called within the -Modify command before saving the modified property to the database.

  • Syntax - bool OnPropertyModifying(nPropertyId, strNewValue)
  • Parameters
    • nPropertyId - attribute value (in the database) of the tblProperty.intPropertyId property that is being modified.
    • strNewValue - new value of the property.
  • NewValue - if the function returns true, the new value is written to the database. If the function returns false, the operation is not performed. In this case, it is advisable to display an error message using the method MessageBox.
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


This function is called after writing a new property value to the database within the -Modify command.

  • Syntax - void OnPropertyModified(nPropertyId)
  • Parameters
    • nPropertyId - the attribute value (in the database) of the tblProperty.intPropertyId property that has been modified.
  • Return value - none
  • Examples - see OnNodeCopying


Function displays a text message box.

  • Syntax - int MessageBox(Text,Type)
  • Parameters
    • Text - message text.
    • Type - parameter can contain a combination of the following bit values.
      • Buttons
        Value Symbol Description
        0 MB_OK OK
        1 MB_OKCANCEL OK, Cancel
        2 MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE Cancel, Reset, Ignore
        3 MB_YESNOCANCEL Yes, No, Cancel
        4 MB_YESNO Yes, No
        5 MB_RETRYCANCEL Return, Cancel
      • Icons
        Value Symbol Description
        0x10 MB_ICONERROR error (red)
        0x20 MB_ICONQUESTION questionnaire
        0x30 MB_ICONEXCLAMATION exclamation mark (yellow)
        0x40 MB_ICONINFORMATION information
      • Default Button - the value from the following table determines which button in the order from the left will be set as the default.
        Value Symbol
        0 MB_DEFBUTTON1
        0x100 MB_DEFBUTTON2
        0x200 MB_DEFBUTTON3
        0x300 MB_DEFBUTTON4
  • Return Value
    Value Symbol Description
    1 IDOK OK
    2 IDCANCEL Cancel
    3 IDABORT Abort
    4 IDRETRY Retry
    5 IDIGNORE Ignore
    6 IDYES Yes
    7 IDNO No
  • Examples

    Example 4. Using MessageBox

    The following example will display a window with the question "Do you want to continue?" and Yes and No buttons, with the No button active.

    if ( MessageBox("Do you want to continue?",4+0x20+0x100) == 6 )
      // continue ...  


The ConnectionString variable contains the connection string for the currently open database. The variable is read-only.

The connection string conforms to ADO technology rules.

Example 5. Using the ConnectionString variable

In the following example, a connection is made to the Con variable to a database that is currently open in the AM Console.

var Con=new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");


The UserId variable contains the identifier of the user who is currently logged into the AM Console. The variable is read-only.

The identifier corresponds to the value of the intUserId attribute in the tblUser table in the database.


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