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Implementing Power BI for SaaS

This page will guide you through the process of implementing Power BI in your SaaS environment:

  1. In the WA, go to Administration - Users and create a Application account In the creation form, set the name and username (for example Analysis account) and at the bottom check the option Hide in menus.
  2. Set a password for the user.
  3. Add the user to the Asset Management readers and Contact readers group and grant them the Reader Service team role for all your services.
  4. Go to the ALVAO Power BI template in AppSource, and click on the Get it now button.
  5. After installing the app, open it and click on Connect your data.
  6. In the Connect form, enter your ALVAO domain name (for example,, replacing "customer" with your own domain name) and click Next.
  7. click

  8. In the next form, leave the Authentication method as "Basic" and enter the username and password of the account you created in the first step.
  9. auth
  10. Click Sign in and connect and wait for the data to refresh.


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