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Upgrade from Previous Versions


Before you proceed with the upgrade to the latest version, please read all Release Notes since the version you are upgrading from carefully.

Getting Ready for the Upgrade

  1. Inform system users before you upgrade.
  2. Switch the SQL Server database to the RESTRICTED_USER mode. If you are using SQL Server Management Studio, take the following steps:
    • Right-click on the Alvao database and select Properties.
    • Go to the Options page.
    • In the State section set the Restrict Access option to RESTRICTED_USER.
If you switch to the RESTRICTED_USER mode, only users with the sysadmin, dbcreator or db_owner rights will be allowed to access the database. The upgrade can be launched only by user with the sysadmin or db_owner rights.

Data Backup

  1. Make sure that an up-to-date version of your database backup exists. If not, back up your system database now.
  2. Back up the ALVAO server installation folders, i.e.:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\ALVAO
    • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\portal folders

ALVAO Server

ALVAO Server Setup supports the upgrade of typical server-based ALVAO installations (i.e. all server-based applications are installed in a single server) from versions 8.0 and later. If you are upgrading from an older version or if you are using a non-standard installation, please follow the steps provided in ALVAO Server – Manual Upgrade.

  1. Go to the ALVAO Downloads page and download ALVAO Server Setup.
  2. Launch the AlvaoServerSetup.msi installation file on the server and follow the instructions in the Installation Wizard.
The current activation key is authenticated over the Internet when upgrading the database.

Client Applications

  1. Use Group Policy (or a similar technology) to install client applications and Agents on client computers. A typical installation includes the following packages:
    • ALVAO Asset Management
      • AlvaoAssetManagementConsole.msi
      • AlvaoAssetManagementAgent.msi (if you use Agents for detection)
    • ALVAO Service Desk
      • AlvaoServiceDeskConsole.msi
    • ALVAO Monitoring
      • AlvaoMonitoringAgent.msi
    • ALVAO system management
      • AlvaoAdmin.msi

Finishing the Upgrade

  1. Switch the database back to the MULTI_USER mode; please refer to Getting Ready for the Upgrade.
  2. Perform any other configuration steps according to the instructions in the Release Notes since the version from which you are upgrading.
  3. Restart the IIS server.
If you are using object icons from ALVAO 7.0 or older in ALVAO Asset Management product, you can load new icons to the system once you have finished the upgrade. To do this, please follow the steps in Loading New Icons to ALVAO Asset Management 7.1 which also applies to ALVAO 8.2.



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