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Object history

Any changes you make to the Objects tree can be automatically logged in the Object history. The history can be viewed in the main window on the Log tab, or in the bottom part of the Log window on the Properties and Objects tabs. The Log and Properties tabs display only those records for the object currently selected in the tree. The Objects tab in the log displays records related to all objects selected in the Objects tab in the top part of the window.

If you create a new or copy an existing object, a log entry will be created in the history of the newly created object as well as in the history of the object in which the new object has been created.

If you move object A to another location in the tree, log records will be created in the history of the following objects:

  • in object A
  • in the parent object (i.e. the object from which object A has been removed)
  • in the object to which object A has been moved

Some records include the information on related objects. For example, if you move an object to a different location, the log will include the entry "Moved to target object name". You can search the tree for the target object by right-clicking the log entry and selecting Mark in the tree from the context menu. This will make the respective object appear bold in the tree.

Records of history older than 3 months are automatically moved to archive. Archived records are not displayed in the object history. If you want to view also the archive, enable the Table – View Archive option in the context menu, or click on the button in the bottom right part of the table eventually.

Editing and Deleting Items in the Log

Log records cannot be created manually. Only the permitted users can edit and delete individual records in the log, see the following table:

Record kind Administrator SW lic. manager Reader Asset manager Detections manager Accountant Links managers Links readers
Document, voided document1 Edit
Installations Registry Edit Edit
License Registry
Object history Delete Delete
Error (detection) Delete Delete
Information Delete Delete
Asset Stocktaking Delete Delete
Note2 Edit
Notification (detection) Delete Delete
SAM notification
1Only the link to Document is deleted.
2Note can be edited only by its author, others can only view the note detail and open its attachments.
 No record can be deleted permanently, you can only "hide" them, they will be displayed after enabling the "Display deleted items" option in the table context menu.

Displaying the Deleted (Hidden) Records in the Log

To display the deleted items in the Log enable the option located on the Log tab in the Table – Display deleted items context menu.
Also the previously deleted records will appear in the Log after enabling the "Display deleted items" option. Those records are displayed in gray color.
You can display the "Deleted by" and "Deleted" columns in the Log. The name of a person who deleted the record and the date of the record deletion is displayed here for the deleted (hidden) records.

The "Display deleted items" option is also located in the Logs context menu on the Properties, Objects, and Detection tabs.
If the record is deleted in one log, the changes will take effect in all the other logs.
Deleted records can be restored again by the administrators using the Tools – Database – Restore removed items command.


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