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Draw dependencies in MS Visio

  1. In ALVAO Asset Management Console, select an object which links you want to visualize in the objects tree.
  2. From the main menu select the File – Draw dependencies in MS Visio command.
  3. A new MS Visio document with links drawn will be displayed.
    The generated document contains the whole tree of the selected object dependencies.

GenerateNodeRelationshipDiagram utility

Using this utility you can run the links diagram drawing from the command line.


It generates the objects dependencies diagram in MS Visio (related to the object specified by the ID number).
MS Visio is required for this utility to work.

Command Line Syntax

GenerateNodeRelationshipDiagram.exe /conn"connection string" /nodeId <object id>

Parameters structure
Radio button Description Required
/conn <string> Database connection settings. Yes
/nodeId <number> Object ID (intNodeId). Yes


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