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Asset Stocktaking

Create new stocktaking and select the asset, see Asset Stocktaking Workflow.

First create a reader file:

  1. Open the stocktaking window by the Tools – Modules – Asset stocktaking command in the Console main menu. In the top part of the window you can see a list of objects which you have added to your stocktaking in the previous step.
  2. Right-click in the lower table and select the New reader object command from the menu.
  3. Enter the file name, e.g. “reader1” and enable the Web stocktaking option.

Now assign assets to the reader file:

  1. In the lower table, select the newly created reader file for your web stocktaking.
  2. In the top table, select all assets that you want to insert in the selected reader file. The web stocktaking can only be performed on assets for which someone is responsible, i.e. it has a filled in (or inherited) Person responsible for asset property.
  3. Go to the main menu of the window and select Actions – Assign asset to reader file.
Within one stocktaking, you can create additional reader files for actual barcode readers to combine both stocktaking methods. A single asset can be listed in both the real reader file and the web stocktaking file. If the asset is inventoried by a reader before it is inventoried over the web, the user will see it in the form as already confirmed.

Sending notifications

Send stocktaking notifications to users who will perform a web stocktaking:

  1. From the Console main menu, click the Tools – Modules – Asset stocktaking command and open the stocktaking window.
  2. Use the Web stocktaking – Send notification command.
  3. A web browser window opens with a preview of the message before it is sent. It is important that the notification includes the correct link to the Asset stocktaking page through which users will confirm their assets.
  4. Check the notification text and then press the Send button. The notification is sent to all users who are responsible for the asset in the reader file.

During the stocktaking, you can resend a notification to users after some time. The notification will only be sent to users who have not yet marked all of the assets for which they are responsible in their WA form.

Asset confirmation by users

Users will be notified of stocktaking in progress and will view the Asset stocktaking form via the link provided there. They will check the asset data on the form and confirm whether the asset corresponds or does not correspond to the entered data. If they have an additional remark to the asset, they can write a message to the asset manager.

Users can view the Asset stocktaking form also by using the ALVAO WebApp – menu command below the user portrait – Asset stocktaking command. The command is displayed in the menu only if the asset stocktaking is in progress, i.e. the stocktaking is open.
The text on the form can be changed on the ALVAO WebApp – Management – Asset Management – Settings – Web stocktaking page.

Processing results

As individual users begin to confirm their assets, the Stocktaking windows will continually show results in the top table in the Stocktaking date, Status and A message for an asset manager columns. Results can be continuously processed, see the Asset Stocktaking Workflow. Alternatively, you can resend notifications to users after some time. Notifications will only be sent to users who have not yet confirmed all their assets.


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