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Searching for Objects

  1. Go to the main menu and select Edit – Find.
  2. The window Searching – Text opens where you can enter the text to find or any portion of it and specify whether you want to search in the names of objects, property values, notes or object log (Record kind – Object history and Information). For example, if you need to find a computer in the tree by the computer name, it will be enough to search in the names of objects because objects representing computers are named by the computer. If you need to find a computer by its serial number, you will need to search in property values because a serial number is stored as a property of the object "computer". For usual searches for objects, it is enough to search in the names of objects and in the property values. If you are only searching for a part of the text to find, enter one asterisk before and one asterisk behind the text to find. If you do not use the Match whole word only, "*" will be inserted automatically. For example, if you search the names of objects for the string "*desk*", the application will find the objects "DeskPorte", "HelpDesk", "desktop" etc.
  3. Press Search to start searching.
  4. The Search results window opens with a list of objects found. If you double-click an item in the list, the matching object will be selected in the tree.
The Search results can be opened permanently and you will be still able to work with the Console. You can close and re-open this window with View – Search results.
To facilitate searching for devices by asset or serial numbers you can use a simple barcode reader. If you connect the barcode reader to the computer and scan a barcode, the reader will simulate entering the corresponding numeric code from the computer keyboard.

Please follow the steps below to search for a device with your barcode reader:

  1. Select Edit – Find in the main menu, or click anywhere in the tree and press Ctrl+F. This will open the search window: Search – Text.
  2. Use your barcode reader to scan the asset number barcode or serial number from the device label. The reader will enter the numeric code to the Search field and presses Enter which will initiate the search for objects in the tree.
  3. The window Search results opens with a list of devices found.


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