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The system inserts default signatures to messages automatically. You can use the SD Console to insert a different signature manually.

Inserting Signatures Manually

  1. Go to the Message or Event window in SD Console and then select Insert and Signature in the main menu.
  2. The Please select a signature window opens.
  3. Select a signature and click on the Select button.
  4. If the cursor was located in the message body pane, the selected signature will be inserted at the cursor position.
    If it was not, the selected signature will be inserted at the position where the cursor was last located.
    If the cursor has not yet been located in the message body pane, the signature will be inserted at the beginning of the message body.
    If you are writing your message in HTML format, the signature will always be inserted at the end of your message/reply. If your message already contains a signature, the initial signature will be replaced with the new one.

Automatic Signatures

The selected signatures are inserted automatically in new messages.

If you change the event type to Message in SD Console, no signature will be inserted automatically.

Selecting Automatic Signatures

Order Signature
1. Default personal signature for a specific service
2. Default personal signature for all services
3. Default group signature for a specific service
4. Default group signature for all services
5. No signature


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