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Time Reporting

Users who are members of the "People reporting time" group can record their work time in notes or events to requests. All users who can view the Request Log can also view the time reported in all Log records.

Viewing Reported Time

Reported time is displayed in the Request List table as the sum of time reported from all events. In the Event List and in the Log, the time reported is displayed for all events individually. You can also display the "Do not invoice" column in the log. This column can be enabled each time you are reporting your work time.

If the Log is viewed by the request requester, he/she can see the time reported at the end of all events saved in the Log. If the time reported for an event is labeled "Do not invoice", the requester sees zero time value. If the Log is viewed by a solver, operator or manager, he/she can see the time labeled "Do not invoice", but the value is stricken through.

The log can be exported into a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can use the export file e.g. to invoice the work time to your clients.


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