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Azure OpenAI settings

Create a resource


  • An Azure subscription
  • Access granted to Azure OpenAI in the desired Azure subscription. Currently, access to this service is granted only by application. You can apply for access to Azure OpenAI by completing the form at


  1. Open Azure Portal and select command Create a resource.
  2. Enter „azure openai“ into search field and select Create command in the found service.
  3. Select Subscription and Resource group. Be careful when choosing a region. Some models are not available in some regions. See Azure OpenAI Service models for more information.
    • text-embedding-ada-002
    • gpt-4
    • gpt-4-32k
    At the time of writing the models were available for example in the region UK South.
  4. Enter unique Name for your resource and select Pricing tier (Standard S0).
  5. Select Next and complete other steps (Network, Tags). Confirm your configuration in the final stage Review + submit and select Create.

Deploy models

Model deployments are necessary before you start using your Azure OpenAI to generate text or embeddings.

  1. Open your Azure OpenAI resource and select Go to Azure OpenAI Studio in the Overview or open the studio using this link Azure OpenAI Studio and choose the subscription and the resource to work with.
  2. Under Management select Deployments.
  3. Select Create new deployment.
  4. Select a model, latest version and as a Deployment name use same name as the selected model. Confirm the dialog using the Create command. Create deployments for these models:
    • text-embedding-ada-002
    • gpt-4
    • gpt-4-32k

Configure Alvao WebApp and Custom Apps WebService

The client in the ALVAO Service Desk AI Assistant must be configured to work properly. It requires endpoint and key.

  • Go to the Azure Portal and open your Azure OpenAI resource.
  • Select Keys and Endpoint under Resource Management.
  • Copy the value Key 1 or 2 and Endpoint and paste the values into web.config file of WebApp and Custom Apps WebService in the appSettings section.
    <!-- Endpoint URL of Azure OpenAI -->
    <add key="AzureOpenAIUrl" value="https:/"/>
    <!-- Azure OpenAI key to access service API -->
    <add key="AzureOpenAIKey" value="your secret key"/>


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