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WebApp settings

The WebApp (web interface for the requester) settings are stored in the Web.config file. The file is in XML format and is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Alvao\web.config by default. You can use Notepad from Windows to edit it. Values must be entered in accordance with the XML format, i.e. for example the character "<" (smaller) is replaced by "&lt;", instead of ">" it is "&gt;" etc.
To avoid accidentally overwriting settings when upgrading the WebApp, the Web.config file is not included in the installation. The first time you install it, create it by copying the SampleWeb.config file.

AppSettings section

In the <configuration><appSettings> section, each configuration variable is written as an XML tag <add>. The key attribute specifies the name of the variable, the value attribute contains the value.
In the following table you will find a list of variables with their value descriptions.

Variable Value
AppName Name of the web application, e.g. "ALVAO Service Desk". This value is displayed in the header of each page.
Kb If a value of 0 is specified, the web application will not display the knowledge base. A value of 1 will enable its display.
CustomThemePath Path to the folder with the files for customizing the look.

Setting automatic logout when the user is inactive

A user will be automatically logged out after a specified period of time if they have not taken any action during that time.

You can set the automatic logout duration by changing the value of the WebApp.AutoLogoutMinutes in the Administration - Settings - Advanced. Enter the time in minutes within the range of 1 to 525,600 (one year).

You can disable the automatic logout by entering 0 value.

For proper functionality it is also necessary to check the settings of the web.config file: in the section <system.web> <authentication> <forms> the slidingExpiration parameter. This parameter must not be filled in or must be set to true.

This setting only works for form logins.

Setting prohibited attachment types

To set prohibited attachment change the value of the WebApp.AttachmentBlacklist in the Administration - Settings - Advanced:
'bat, cmd, exe'

After applying this setting, attachments with bat, cmd and exe extensions will be disabled.

To restore the default state, just delete the setting.

Setting allowed attachment types

To set allowed attachment change the value of the WebApp.AttachmentWhitelist in the Administration - Settings - Advanced:
'bat, cmd, exe'

After applying this setting, attachments with bat, cmd and exe extensions will be allowed.

To restore the default state, just delete the setting.

The whitelist types takes precedence over the blacklist. If the same extension is set in both lists, the system considers it allowed.

Setting the maximum attachment size

The maximum attachment size is defined in the <configuration><system.web><httpRuntime> section in the "maxRequestLength" variable in kilobytes [KB].

In case of using IIS7 and higher, you need to modify the maximum attachment size also in the <configuration><system.webServer><security>< ticket[^esi]iltering>< ticket[^esi]imits> in the "maxAllowedContentLength" variable in bytes [B].

If you are using the Alvao for Outlook add-on, it is necessary to also modify the configuration file web.config for the AlvaoRestApi application at this default IIS path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AlvaoRestApi\web.config, where you need to adjust the value of the parameter: maxRequestLength (in kilobytes KB).

The specified parameter values represent the maximum size of the entire email, not just the attachment itself. If you intend to process attachments of sizes e.g. 14MB, the total message size (including attachments, text, and overhead) might reach up to 20MB.

Enhancing protection against password guessing attacks

We recommend improving protection against password guessing attacks by enabling reCAPTCHA.


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