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Alvao Service settings

The settings are stored in the appsettings.json file in the installation folder.
To return the settings to the default state, re-create the file by copying and renaming the "AlvaoServiceSample.exe.config" file. You can use Notepad in Windows to edit it.

Database connection

The connection to the database is defined in section:

"ConnectionString": {
 "Db": "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Alvao; Max Pool Size=2000; Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True"

Write the database connection string to the ConnectionString attribute. The format of the string is the same as in the WebApp settings, see Database Connection.

Sending emails

The Alvao Service component sends all email messages leaving the Alvao system. The SMTP server address for sending email messages in the database needs to be set in Administration - Settings - Messaging.

Emails are sent in batches, the default sending interval is 1 minute. If an email fails to send for any reason, it will remain stored and will be resent at the set interval (default value 10 minutes) until it is successfully sent or exceeds the number of send attempts (default value 432). Once the number of send attempts is reached, the email will remain in the database for possible diagnostics.

Sending settings are stored in the database (tProperty table):

Only customers on-premises are able to change the ALVAO default values.

Variable Default value Meaning
MailSendIntervalSeconds 60 Email sending interval - in seconds
MailSendMaxAttempts 432 Maximum number of attempts to send an email
MailSendRetryIntervalMinutes 10 Interval between attempts to resend emails that failed to send - in minutes

The change in the interval of sending emails will be reflected only after Alvao Service is restarted.


If you want to automatically load messages from a specific mailbox into a specific service desk service (see Service Desk Services), in Administration - Services - Edit - Loading messages section, set up a connection to that mailbox.

Incoming message rules

Alvao Service can perform actions based on defined rules. Rules for incoming messages are set in Administration - Service Desk - Rules for incoming messages.

Automatic response detection

If Alvao encounters a message that is evaluated as an automatic reply while loading messages, this message is not considered a full message and therefore the following operations are not performed:

Messages are considered an automatic reply when:

  • contain the Auto-Submitted parameter in the header with the value auto-generated, auto-replied or auto-notified or
  • contain one of the predefined strings in the subject line of the message.


If you wish to change the default settings of the predefined strings that are included in the subject of auto-replies in your organization, in the Administration - Settings - Advanced select the AutoSubmittedEmails.Subjects setting and edit the string value. Individual subject templates are separated by semicolons, and the asterisk replaces any number of characters.

By default, autoresponse recognition is turned on. If you do not wish to use this functionality, in the same settings table change the AutoSubmittedEmails.Detect value to 0.

Additional settings

Additional settings are stored in the appsettings.json file of the Alvao Service app. This option is unavailable in Alvao SaaS offerings.

Variable Value
SleepSeconds The amount of time the Alvao Service waits if there are no new messages in the mailbox. The time is specified in seconds.

Event log

Event log can be set in the NLog section.

By default, warnings and errors are printed to the Windows Event Log.

However, you can freely change the target, logging level, printed messages, etc. according to the NLog documentation.

Diagnostics log

If an email fails to send, the Alvao Service component prints an error message to the diagnostics log containing information about the email that was sent and the text of the error that occurred. For a message informing about a general component failure (e.g. an invalid database operation), setting the log to Error is sufficient.

If there are messages in the database that have reached the maximum number of attempts to send, a message is output once a day indicating the number of messages that could not be sent (Diagnostics Log Level 1 and higher):

"The mail queue currently contains X emails that could not have been sent."

The unsent emails can be found in the database MailMessage (on-premises customers), where, in addition to the message itself (packaged in .eml format), there is information about the number of attempts to send (SendAttempts), the last error message (LastErrorMsg) and the time of the last attempt to send (LastAttemptTime).



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