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Diagnostics log

Diagnostics log

select TDL.[LoggedDate] as [Logged date], L.[Name] as [Level], TDL.[Message], TDL.[Exception], TDL.[Application], TDL.[Callsite], TDL.[Parameters]
from dbo.TenantDiagnosticsLog TDL
join dbo.LogLevel L on = TDL.LogLevelId

Periodic alert

Script is automatically enabled. This script will send notification to the Administrators and Configuration administrators group members. It checks if within the last 26 hours any new log was added into the Tenant table. This script is added as a new periodic alert template to the Administration – Periodic alerts – New periodic alert – “New – Configuration and operation issues”. Sends alert to Administrators and Configuration administrators members with all new records that were created within last 26 hours in the table TenantDiagnosticsLog with levels Warning and Error.

declare @sender nvarchar(255) = dbo.GetProperty('Alvao.StandardSenderAddress')

declare @hours int = 26


@sender as [From],



select cast(';' as varchar(max)) + P.sPersonEmail
from tPerson P
where P.dPersonRemoved IS NULL
and P.bPersonAccountDisabled = 0
and exists (
select top 1 1
from tRolePerson RP
join tRole R on R.iRoleId = RP.liRolePersonRoleId
where RP.liRolePersonPersonId = P.iPersonId
and R.RoleBehaviorId in (3, 22)) -- Administrators and Configuration administrators
and ISNULL(P.sPersonEmail, '') != ''
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') as [To],null as [Cc],null as [Bcc],
N'Alvao - Configuration and operation issues' as [Subject],
N'The Alvao diagnostics log contains the following new records.' as [Text],
TDL.[LoggedDate] as [Logged date],
L.[Name] as [Level],
SUBSTRING(TDL.[Exception], 1, 500) as [Exception],
from TenantDiagnosticsLog TDL
join LogLevel L on = TDL.LogLevelId
where (TDL.LoggedDate between DATEADD(hour, -@hours, GETUTCDATE()) and GETUTCDATE()) and TDL.LogLevelId >= 3 – only Warnings and Errors
order by TDL.LoggedDate desc

Starting day: next day after inserting this alert into the db. Hour: 2 am utc


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