ImportAD - Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
This article is about product releases
ALVAO 10.0 and higher
- ImportAD ends with an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
- parameter /objects is used on commadline
- AD attribute mapping in the database table is changed.
- some of the AD object does not have filled in the key attribute
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Fixed in release 11.2.1347 - 11.2/FIX1 (2024-05-16)
1. Use ImportAD with /log parameter
2. When ImportAD ends with the error,find the object, who causes the error in the log
3. Go to the Active Directory and fill in missing value for the key attribute for that object.
Steps to reproduce this behavior
Issue number