WA - Administration - Groups - Group "Creators of tickets on behalf of other users" has english name
This article is about product releases
ALVAO 11.2 and higher
For all customers after upgrading to the version ALVAO 11.2 RTM (11.2.1134) or ALVAO 11.2 FIX1 this name is in English.
Name should be localised to the database language.
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Fixed in release 11.2.3067 - 11.2/SP1 (2024-09-19)
You can manually rename this group if you want.
Otherwise after upgrading to ALVAO 11.2 SP1 group name will be renamed to the language of your database.
CZ: Uživatelé s oprávněním vytvářet požadavky pro jiné uživatele
DE: Benutzer mit Berechtigung zum Erstellen von Anfragen für andere Benutzer
PL: Użytkownicy z uprawnieniem do tworzenia wniosków dla innych użytkowników
Steps to reproduce this behavior
Upgrade to ALVAO 11.2.
Issue number