ALVAO Asset Management: AM - My Documents - Sign - Document content could be lost, if user clicks on sign button multiple times
This article is about product releases
ALVAO Asset Management 11.2 and higher
When the newly generated document which needs to be signed over web is being signed, the document content could be lost, if user which is signing it clicks on a button multiple times in a row.
The cause is a bug in ALVAO products.
Fixed in release 11.2.3185 - 11.2/SP1 FIX6 (2024-11-07)
Click on a "Sign" button only once and wait for the operation to complete.
Steps to reproduce this behavior
Generate new document with signature over web and send it to the user
The user needs to go to "My documents" and click "Sign" on the desired document
in the modal dialog, he clicks "Sign" multiple times in a row
Issue number