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New script

Use this form to create a new script in the application.


  • Template - select a suitable script template:
    Template Name Description Included in Custom Apps modules
    Empty Empty script Asset Management, Service Desk
    Class Library A library of helper classes that can be used in other scripts. Defined classes cannot be used in another library. Asset Management, Service Desk
    IEntityCommand Custom entity command Asset Management, Service Desk
    IGeneralCommand Custom command in the main menu Asset Management, Service Desk
    ITicketAutoAction Auto action on ticket event Service Desk
    IActAutoAction Auto action on an event in a ticket log entry Service Desk
    ITicketApprovalAutoAction Automatic ticket approval action Service Desk
    IMailMessageAutoAction Automatic action on message retrieval Service Desk
    IObjectPropertyAutoAction Automatic action when changing the value of an object property Asset Management
    IObjectMoveAutoAction Auto action when moving an object Asset Management
    IPeriodicAction Periodic Action Asset Management, Service Desk
    IEntityTab Custom tab on entity page Asset Management, Service Desk

    Each script represents a particular UI element or other type of program extension that is an implementation of a particular interface in C#. The templates are named the same as the interface.

  • Name - enter a name for the script. We recommend naming scripts with the name of the class they implement. For example, the Open document custom command class that implements the IEntityCommand interface could be named OpenDocumentCommand and the script name would be the same. By selecting the template, the appropriate ending will be automatically filled in the script name.


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