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Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 11.2 / Application pages / Administration / Custom fields / New custom field

New custom field

Use this form to create a new custom field.


  • Custom field name - enter the name of the custom field under which the field will be displayed in the application to users. The custom field name must not match any other field of the entity (custom or system) or any other column of the reporting views.
  • Order - specify the order in which the field should appear in the forms. Fields are displayed in ascending order based on the Order value. If two fields have the same Order value, their relative order will be random.
  • Type - select the type of custom field from the menu.
    Type Meaning UI element in forms
    bit logical value yes/no checkbox
    date date date picker
    datetime date and time date picker and time input box
    float decimal number text input box
    int integer text input box
    nvarchar text string single-line or multi-line text input box
    user a user of Alvao; In the database, this type is represented as type int containing the ID of a user (see tPerson.iPersonId). dropdown menu

    The following fields are only displayed for type nvarchar:

    • Multi-line text - turn on if you want forms to display a larger input field for entering multi-line text. If disabled, only single line input fields are displayed.
      This option cannot be combined with a list of values.
    • Length - specify the maximum length of text in characters that can be written to the entry.
    • Maximum Length - turn on if you want to store long text in the field.

    This field is displayed only for type user.

    • Source group - select the user group. Values of the field of type user will be limited to members of the group.
  • Description - enter a description of the field that will be displayed in forms to help users fill in the field.
  • Table - select the entity for which you want to create a custom field:
    Value in the menu (name of the table in the database) Entity
    tHdTicketCust Ticket
    tPersonCust Person
    tAccountCust Organization
    tHdSectionCust Service
    tSlaCust SLA
    LicHistCust License
    ProductCust Products
    TicketStateCust Ticket Status
  • Column - enter the name of the column in the database where the value of this custom field will be stored. The name must be unique and must not contain spaces or special characters. It is recommended to name columns in English and to follow the recommendations for naming identifiers in the database.
  • Use value list - the custom field will appear as a text box with a drop-down menu on forms. After enabling this option, populate the list of values with Edit - List of values.
    The list can only be used for nvarchar and int types. A value that is not listed in the list of values can also be written to a custom field of type nvarchar. The values of custom fields of type int are limited only to the values listed in the list of values, no other value can be written to them, and when modifying a value in the list of values, the value of the custom field is automatically changed.
  • Enable translation of value list - enable this option if you want the values from the value list to be exported for translation into other languages and then displayed to users in their preferred language.


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