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Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 11.2 / Application pages / Other apps / Alvao Asset Management Console / View Tabs / Detection


The top of the Detection tab displays the table by detecting its hardware and software of the computer that is currently selected in the tree. If an organizational folder is selected in the tree, the table shows the detections of all computers in that folder. If you select a detection in the top table, its log is displayed at the bottom of the tab.

Local menu options on the Detection tab:

  • Details - View the details of the selected detection. You can also specify whether to display hardware or software details.
  • Compare to Asset Registry - Compare the selected detection with a record in Installation logging (software) and tree entries (hardware) respectively.
    If an error occurred during the last detection, the window will open Identifiable Components window, which allows you to configure what the computer should be detected by (globally, detection components can be configured in Administration).
  • Find a matching computer
  • Compare detections - display the difference between two selected detections.
  • Load from file - retrieve a detection stored on disk.
  • Save to file - save the selected detection as a file to disk.
  • Table - menu allows customize the table. For example, create filters, views or display multiple rows.
    Columns in the discovery table:.
    Column name Description
    Update Registry Displays the Yes/No value according to the following logic:
    Yes - if hardware is detected, an automatic entry of detected hardware objects will be made in the object tree. In case of software detection, the data of the detected software will be automatically written to Installation registry.
    No - no data from hardware/software detection will be written.
    Detected Detection date.
    Kind Detection type - software or hardware.
    Immediately Displays the Yes/No value according to the following logic:
    Yes - ticket for instant detection evaluation.
    No - ticket to detect according to saved settings.
    Detection period (days) Automatic detection scheduling (number of days).
    Computer The name of the computer to which the discovery ticket applies.
    Description Description for the discovery ticket.
    Date of ticket Date of creation of the discovery ticket.
    Status Detection status.
    Date of status Date of the last status entry.
    Full software detection Displays the Yes/No/<blank value> according to the following logic:
    <empty value> - HW detection or incomplete request ticket.
    Yes - completed SW detection and was performed in the range "complete".
    No - completed SW detection and was performed in the range "normal".
    Detection method Default detection method.
    Requester Detection Requester.
  • Find - search for text in the displayed table.
  • Mark computer in tree - mark the computer in the tree to which the selected detection belongs.
  • Evaluate immediately - run immediate evaluation of the detection.
  • Detect again - resubmit the request ticket.
  • Delete - remove the selected request ticket from the list.


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