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The tab shows the table of objects that are linked to the currently selected object in the tree. You can customize the table as needed.

The tab is part of the ALVAO Configuration Management module.

Table views

By default, the table contains the following views:

  • Direct - display only direct links, i.e. links whose starting or ending object is the directly selected object in the tree.
  • Is used - display a list of objects by which the selected object in the tree is used, see link type Is used - Used.
  • Uses - display the list of objects that the selected object is used by in the tree, see link type Is used - Uses.

Table columns

Name Description
Path Path to the linked object.
Object type Type of linked object.
Object name Name of the linked object.
Direct Yes - this is a direct link to the object that is selected in the tree.
No - this is an indirect link to the object that is selected in the tree (link via another object).
Link type The type of link from the perspective of the currently selected object in the tree.
Created Date and time when the link was created.
Created by The person who created the link.
Removed Date and time the link was removed.
Removed The person who removed the link.
From object (path) The path to the object on which the link is defined. For direct links, this is the selected object in the tree.
From object (type) The type of object on which the link is defined.
From object (name) The name of the object on which the link is defined.
From object (link type) The type of link from the view of the object on which the link is defined.

Local menu

  • Add - add a new link to the object selected in the tree.
  • Mark object in tree - label in the tree the second object to which the currently selected object is linked by the selected link.
  • Table - menu allows you to customize the table. For example, create filters, views or view multiple rows.
  • Find - search for text in the displayed table.
  • Remove - remove the selected link.
  • Edit - edit the selected link.

Direct and indirect links

For example, the following links exist between objects A to E:
A -> B -> C -> D -> E

If object C is selected in the object tree, then the B->C and C->D links are direct because they directly emanate from or point to object C.

links A->C and C->E are indirect because object A is indirectly linked to C via object B. Similarly, object E is linked to C indirectly via object D.


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