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Automatic assignment

Use this form to specify scope of the automatic license assignment.


  • Object filter - enter the filter string for computers to be automatically assigned, as shown in the example below.
The filter is set using SQL syntax conditions and must have the following format:

[@ObjectKind] | [@ObjectName] | [@ObjectPath] | [<object property name>]<operator><value>

[@ObjectKind] - object type
[@ObjectName] - Name of the object in the tree
[@ObjectPath] - Path in the tree (entered as: object1/object2/...)
[<object property name>] - Name of any object property (even inherited)

<operator> - The following SQL operators can be used:
  • = - equals
  • !=,<> - does not equal
  • IN - determines whether the specified value is in the subquery/list
  • LIKE - string comparison with the possibility of using simple regular expressions
  • NOT - operator negation - concatenation with another operator (IN, LIKE)
  • IS NULL - the value is NULL - e.g. the object does not have a specific property
<value> - N'string', where the prefix N specifies that the string is in Unicode encoding

Comparing values can be case sensitive.
Conditions can be combined using AND and OR operators.
Filter examples:
  • [@ObjectKind] = N'Computer/server'
    License assignment only to computers of type "Computer/server".
  • [@ObjectPath] LIKE N'Contoso/New York%'
    License assignment only in a specific part of the tree, according to the path in the tree.
  • [Branch] IN (N'New York',N'London')
    Add only to computers that are in specific branches.
  • ISNULL([Branch],'') != N'New York'
    Add to all computers that are not in specified location. Note: If the ISNULL function was not used, computers that are not in any branch would not be included.
  • [Branch] IS NULL
    Only allocate to computers that are not on any branch.
  • [Location] NOT IN (N'IT Warehouse',N'Central Warehouse') AND [Software Responsible]=N'PC software managers'
    Example of a filter composed of multiple conditions - computers that are not in specific warehouses AND the software on the computer is the responsibility of the "PC software managers" group.
  • [Location] NOT LIKE N'Warehouse%'
    All computers where the value of the "Location" property does not begin with the word "Warehouse".


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