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New license

With this form, you can record a new software license.


  • Product - select the (primary) software product that this license covers.
  • License name - by default the license is named by its primary product. Optionally you can rename it.
  • License type
    • Normal - normal (boxed) license.
    • Unlimited volume license - license for unlimited installations, uses, and users.
    • Floating - use of the license is protected by a special software, hardware key, or access rights. A license can be assigned to more computers or users than is set in its Quantity field.
    • OEM - the license is permanently bound with a newly purchased computer or a computer component like a hard drive and can't be later re-assigned to another device.
  • Quantity unit - choose how the license quantity will be counted.
    • per device - the license will be assigned to particular computers.
    • per user - the license will be assigned to particular users and will cover installations of the licensed software products on all computers of the given user.
    • per connection - the license will be assigned to computers, typically servers on which the software has been installed. The Quantity field contains the maximum number of concurrent active user connections to the server.
    • per processor - the license will be assigned to computers, typically servers. The Quantity field states the maximum number of server processors (CPUs) utilized by the software. When assignning (after created) to a computer enter number of liceses per computer.
    • per core - similar to the per processor option but the number of CPU cores is counted instead of CPUs.
  • Quantity - enter the number of licenses purchased. The meaning of this field depends on the Quantity unit value.
  • Valid from - choose the date of the beginning of the license validity.
  • Valid to - if the license is time-limited choose the license expiration date.
  • Upgrade/support to - optionally select the date when an upgrade assurance or a product support contract expires.
    Use the Administration - Periodic alerts - New - Software licenses validity expiration to get automatically notified ahead of the license expiration date.
  • Behavior
    • Without installable applications (SaaS, CAL) - enable this option if no installable application is installed along with the license, e.g., the license represents cloud services accessible from a web browser, or CAL licenses. Then, the license will not be reported as over-licensing on the Software page.
    • Allow multiple license assignments to a single object - enable if it is possible to assign this license to the same object multiple times.
    • Automatic assignment - turn on if the system should automatically assign and unassign this license to the computers according to the software installation. This option cannot be enabled if the Quantity unit is per user or the License type is OEM.
      • settings - specify the scope of the automatic assignment.
    • Cover package components without installed package - for the Microsoft 365 licenses, uncheck this option to ensure that only the license for the proper software edition (i.e., package) covers the installation of the M365 desktop apps on each computer.
  • Extended
    • Cost center - optionally specify the cost center for which the purchased license is intended. If you do not enter any value, the license will be available for all cost centers.
    • Activation key - if the license has only one activation key (multilicense), enter it in this field. Otherwise, enter activation keys in the field in each of the license assignments.
      • If the purchased product contains multiple activation keys (e.g. OEM license),insert them sequentially into each license item in the field Activation Key.
      • If an Activation Key is specified for a license, this value is already preset when creating license items in the Activation Key field of the item.
      • If the Activation Key field is filled in manually (that is, it is not automatically pre-populated by the license activation number), duplication is checked in all license entries.
    • Inventory number - enter the inventory number of the license.
    • License ID in external system - enter a string license ID for integrating with external systems.
    • Notes - optionally add notes.


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