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Custom Links in Menus

In the ALVAO WebApp you can display custom links in the main menu and in the user menu. These links can be localized for individual user languages. You can also hide system links in the menus, for example in order to replace them by custom links.
For conditional displaying of links to some users only based on their roles or group membership, you can use custom commands in the main menu.

Custom Links Settings in the Main Menu

Create a string describing the custom link in the form "<Page name>","<Page link>".

Example: "Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm".

If you want to set more custom links, create a sequence of described strings separated by a semi-colon character.

Example: "Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO","".

Finally launch the following SQL script where on the second line edit the variable to the set string or to the sequence of strings.

DECLARE @MainMenuCustomHead nvarchar(max);
SET @MainMenuCustomHead = N'"Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO",""';
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty=N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomHead';
INSERT INTO dbo.tProperty(sProperty,sPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomHead',@MainMenuCustomHead);

Custom links are displayed on the left next to the system links in the main menu. Order from the left is the same as the order of individual described strings.

If you want to display the links on the right next to the system links, launch the following SQL script where on the second line edit the variable to the set string or to the sequence of strings.

DECLARE @MainMenuCustomTail nvarchar(max);
SET @MainMenuCustomTail = N'"Custom Form 2","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO 2",""';
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty=N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomTail';
INSERT INTO dbo.tProperty(sProperty,sPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomTail',@MainMenuCustomTail);

Different links described by different links can be displayed at the same time on the left and on the right next to the system links.

If you want to remove all custom links in the main menu, open SQL Management Studio and run the following SQL script on ALVAO database:
DELETE tProperty WHERE sProperty LIKE N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomTail%' OR sProperty LIKE N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomHead%';

Custom Links Settings in the User Menu

Create a string describing the custom content in the same form as the custom link in the main menu.

If you want to set more custom links, create a sequence of strings in the same manner as for setting the links in the main menu.

Finally launch the following SQL script where on the second line edit the variable to the set string or to the sequence of strings.

DECLARE @UserMenuCustom nvarchar(max);
SET @UserMenuCustom = N'"Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO",""';
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty=N'WebApp.UserMenu.Custom';
INSERT INTO dbo.tProperty(sProperty,sPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.UserMenu.Custom',@UserMenuCustom);

Custom links in the user menu are displayed between the Monthly service bill and Settings items. Order from above is the same as the order of individual described strings.

If you want to remove all custom links in the user menu, open SQL Management Studio and run the following SQL script on ALVAO database:
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty LIKE N'WebApp.UserMenu.Custom%';

Custom Links Localization

If you want to display the link names in different languages based on the user preferred language, you need to run additional SQL scripts. The localized string version describing the custom links is entered into those scripts.

If you create localization for example for English language (for custom links in the main menu on the left next to system links), first create the localized string.

Example: "Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO","".

Then run the following SQL script with edited variable on the third line which determines LocaleID of the localized language (e.g. 1033 for English). Edit the localized string on the fourth line.

DECLARE @MainMenuCustomHead nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @lcid nvarchar(max);
SET @lcid = N'1033';
SET @MainMenuCustomHead = N'"Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO",""';
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty=N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomHead.'+@lcid;
INSERT INTO dbo.tProperty(sProperty,sPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomHead.'+@lcid,@MainMenuCustomHead);
Localized custom links are displayed to all users who have set the language which the custom link has been defined for. If no custom links are defined for the user language, non-localized (default) custom links are displayed to the user. If you localize custom links, we recommend to record the default custom link in English.
ALVAO WebApp supports the following languages for localizing system texts: Czech (LocaleID 1029), German (LocaleID 1031), English (LocaleID 1033), Polish (LocaleID 1045), Slovak (LocaleID 1051), and Romanian (LocaleID 1048). For more information see the Microsoft Locale ID Values.

If you want to localize custom links in the main menu on the right next to the system links, edit it in the same manner and then run the following script:

DECLARE @MainMenuCustomTail nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @lcid nvarchar(max);
SET @lcid = N'1029';
SET @MainMenuCustomTail = N'"Custom Form 2","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO 2",""';
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty=N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomTail.'+@lcid;
INSERT INTO dbo.tProperty(sProperty,sPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.MainMenu.CustomTail.'+@lcid,@MainMenuCustomTail);

If you want to localize custom links in the user menu, edit it in the same manner and then run the following script:

DECLARE @UserMenuCustom nvarchar(max);
DECLARE @lcid nvarchar(max);
SET @lcid = N'1029';
SET @UserMenuCustom = N'"Custom Form","/Custom/ALVAO/CustomForm";"ALVAO",""';
DELETE dbo.tProperty WHERE sProperty=N'WebApp.UserMenu.Custom.'+@lcid;
INSERT INTO dbo.tProperty(sProperty,sPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.UserMenu.Custom.'+@lcid,@UserMenuCustom);
You can edit both the localized link name and its URL when localizing the custom links. We recommend to use the same URLs and link order in all the localized links.

Hiding the System Links in the Main Menu

The following table lists the SQL commands for hiding (and re-displaying eventually) the system links in the main menu.

Link Command for hiding the link Command for displaying the link
Requests INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.MainMenuHide.Tickets',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.MainMenuHide.Tickets';
Catalog of Services INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.MainMenuHide.NewTicket',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.MainMenuHide.NewTicket';
Knowledge Base INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.MainMenuHide.KnowledgeBase',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.MainMenuHide.KnowledgeBase';
Current News INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.MainMenuHide.News',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.MainMenuHide.News';

Hiding the System Links in the User Menu

The following table lists the SQL commands for hiding (and re-displaying eventually) the system links in the user menu.

Link Command for hiding the link Command for displaying the link
Attendance INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.UserMenuHide.Attendance',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.UserMenuHide.Attendance';
Assets assigned to me INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.UserMenuHide.MyAsset',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.UserMenuHide.MyAsset';
Team Administration INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.UserMenuHide.TeamManagement',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.UserMenuHide.TeamManagement';
Monthly Service Bill INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.UserMenuHide.MonthBill',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.UserMenuHide.MonthBill';
Settings INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.UserMenuHide.Settings',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.UserMenuHide.Settings';
Log off INSERT INTO tProperty(sProperty,bPropertyValue) VALUES ('WebApp.UserMenuHide.Logout',1); DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = 'WebApp.UserMenuHide.Logout';
Links hidden in this manner won't be shown to any users of the ALVAO WebApp regardless of their roles in the system.


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