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Service Desk License

License types

Each ALVAO Service Desk user uses a user or solver license or uses no license. The overall usage of the licenses is displayed in the About window and calculated according to the License Agreement.

A license per user is used if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The user does not use a license per solver.
  • The user is a member of a solver team or a requester on a service in which the Guest user has no SLA (i.e. the service does not contain anonymous requesters).

A license per solver is used if at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • The user is a member of a solver team (i.e. solver, operator, manager, or irregular solver) on a service in which the Guest user has an SLA (i.e. an anonymous requester, too, can create a request in the service).
  • The user is a member of a solver team on a service for which the Require license per solver option is enabled.

Ensuring that only licenses per user are used

If you only have user licenses and the application reports that the number of solvers has been exceeded, the service settings must be changed so that only user licenses are required. Proceed as follows:

  • In ALVAO Admin use the Manage – Service Desk – Services command. Select View as list in the context menu to switch the view. Then display the Uses license column.
  • Filter services with the "Per solver" value in this column.
  • For all these services, make sure that the Guest user (who belongs to the group "Everyone") has no SLA for the service. We recommend using other groups instead of "Everyone" – e.g. create a group called "Employees".
    If the Guest user has to have an SLA in the service, you will need a solver license.

Ensuring that only licenses per solver are used

If you only have solver licenses and the application reports that the number of users has been exceeded, the service settings must be changed so that only solver licenses are required. Proceed as follows:

  • In ALVAO Admin use the Manage – Service Desk – Services command. Select View as list in the context menu to switch the view. Then display the Uses license column.
  • Filter services with the "Per user" value in this column.
  • Select the services and use the Edit command to enable Require license per solver.

Checking license usage for combined licenses

If you are using a combined user/solver license and need to find out which users use which license, proceed as follows:

  • Go to ALVAO Admin and select Manage – User. Display the Uses license column in the table of users. In this column, you can see which license type the selected user is using.
  • If a user uses a license not appropriate for him/her (e.g. uses a license per solver, but should have a user-bound license), view the user details and the Permissions for services tab.
  • On this tab, display the Uses license column. If a service uses a license per solver, the user must have a solver-bound license assigned.
    • If you want to make sure that the service uses a license per requester, remove the SLA from the Guest user and disable Require license per solver.
    • If you want to make sure that the service uses a license per solver, enable Require license per solver.

Checking license usage by services

If the number of licensed used has unexpectedly increased and you need to find out how many and what types of licenses individual services require, proceed as follows:

  • In ALVAO Admin use the Manage – Service Desk – Services command. Select View as list in the context menu to switch the view.
  • Then display the Uses license and Uses license (number).
  • Check the numbers of licenses and also check if a service does not use an unexpected number or incorrect type of licenses.


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