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This tab is used to set the request processing progress and to define the content of the General tab from the requester's point of view.


  • Show optional items to the requester – enter the optional items to be shown to a requester without another user role on the General tab while the request is being solved. Both system items (see table) and custom items can be shown.

    You can enter one ore more comma-separated values, each of the values corresponding to one item in the request detail.

    Value Description
    tHdTicket.RelatedAccountId Related organizations
    tHdTicket.Impact Impact
    tHdTicket.Urgency Urgency
    tHdTicket.liHdTicketPriorityId Priority
    tHdTicket.liHdTicketNodeId Device
    tHdTicket.sHdTicketDeviceCode Device number
    tHdTicket.sHdTicketCategory Category
    tHdTicketCust.<item name> Custom item
    Note: The custom item name is identical to the database name which can also be found in Admin – Manage – Custom items – Column.
    The option can be used independently of the Show optional items check box on the Service Catalog tab.
    If you want to display an item, you must first enable displaying the item in the process settings for the given service.
  • Time limit for reopening of the request by the requester (days) – enter the number of days since resolution. The requester can reopen the request during this period of time.
  • In the case of attempted reopening after the expiry of the time limit, create a new request in the service – enable and select the service in which the new linked request should be created if the time limit for reopening expires (and thus the request cannot be reopened).
    • ... – select the service from the service tree eventually (in a new window).
    A new linked request will be created by the system on behalf of the requester who tried to reopen the request.
    Therefore the requester must have permission to create a request also on this service. If he does not have the permission, the system will not create the linked request.
    After enabling the In the case of attempted reopening after the expiry of the time limit, create a new request in the service option we recommend to set the time limit, in which the requester can reopen the request, above to more than 0 days. Otherwise a new request will be created for the requester's every response.
  • Requesters can view service requests – enable if you want to allow the requesters on this service to view also the requests from another requesters.
  • Custom Workflow (URL) – you can enter a custom URL to be used for every access to the request detail.
  • Use satisfaction survey – enable if you want to use the satisfaction survey. A short message containing a link to this survey will be added into every standard notification about request resolving.
  • Custom survey (URL) – enter a URL address of the custom satisfaction survey used instead of the standard one.
    Example: Custom/<company name>/<survey name>


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