Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 10.1Extending modulesALVAO User Activity MonitoringImplementationDetailed User Activity Records Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.

Detailed User Activity Records

Detailed user activity records are kept for 90 days by default (information on thousands of 365-days' periods). Detailed records include e.g.:

  • Records on running processes
  • Records on active windows
  • Records on prints
The data are deleted once per 24 hours, at night.

The records on running processes and active windows are stored outside of the ALVAO database. These data are stored in files in the folder %ProgramData%\ALC\ALVAO Monitoring Server\DetailedRecords.

Changing Period of Keeping Detailed Records

If you want to change the period of time for which these records are kept, you need to edit the settings in the ALVAO database:

This is a direct intervention in the ALVAO database. This change cannot be undone!
  1. Open Microsoft SQL Management Studio and connect to the SQL Server running the ALVAO database
  2. In the tree on the left, select the Databases node and click on the ALVAO database
  3. Click on New Query
  4. Enter the following query in the new tab that opens:
    exec dbo.spUpdateInsertProperty 'DeleteMonitoringDataInterval', '90', NULL, NULL, NULL
    exec spUpdateInsertProperty 'MonitoringPrintDeleteIntervalDays', '365', NULL, NULL, NULL
    Replace 90 with the number of days for which you want to keep your records on active windows. Replace 170 with the number of days for which you want to keep your records on print tasks.
  5. Click on Execute

Changing Location of Data with Detailed Records

If you want to store detailed data elsewhere than in %ProgramData%\ALC\ALVAO Monitoring Server\DetailedRecords (e.g. Monitoring Server and Monitoring Portal are running on different computers), you will need to edit the settings in the ALVAO database:

This is a direct intervention in the ALVAO database. This change cannot be undone!
  1. Open Microsoft SQL Management Studio and connect to the SQL Server running the ALVAO database
  2. In the tree on the left, select the Databases node and click on the ALVAO database
  3. Click on New Query
  4. Enter the following query in the new tab that opens:
    exec dbo.spSetDetailedRecordsFolderProperties Path_to_Server_Folder, Path_to_Portal_folder
    where "Path_to_Server_Folder" is the path to the folder containing data from the computer running the Monitoring Server, and "Path_to_Portal_Folder_ is the path to the folder containing data from the computer running the Monitoring Portal.
  5. Click on Execute
Once you have changed the folders, you need to move all data from the original folder to the new one manually.


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